•Saving Sirius•

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Buckbeak left the ground, making Hermione scream, and hold tightly onto Y/N's waist.

He flinched in pain.
Y/N: Ow! That hurts, Hermione!
He protesterd.

Hermione: Sorry!
She apologized.

Buckbeak kept flying higher and higher in the sky, until he reached the highest tower of the castle.

Then, looking through the window, they saw him, pacing back and forth anxiously.

They tried to open the window, but it had been sealed.

Harry: Oh, really?!
He shouted exasperatedly.

Y/N, however, had enough.
He took out his wand and pointed it to the window.

Y/N: Bombarda!
He shouted, making the window explode, completely destroying it.

Sirius stood there, quite shocked.
He looked at them.

Sirius: Guys... How did you...?
He tried to say, but Harry cut him off.

They got in, and looked at him.
Harry: There's no much time left. Sirius, you have to escape. Snape was just about to call the Dementors!
He said.

Y/N: Escape with Buckbeak. Go as far away as you can from here.
He said.

Sirius looked at them both.
He then pulled the Twins in a tight hug.

Sirius: You don't know how much this means for me. There aren't enough words to express my gratitude. Harry, the more I look at you, the more I see James. Y/N... Maybe they told you many times already, but... You have Lily's eyes...
He said.

Harry: Be Quick, Sirius!
He hurried.

Y/N looked at Buckbeak.
Y/N: Beaky... Escape with Sirius, ok? It's not safe for you, here. And watch after him for us, ok?
He said.

To everyone's surprise, the Hippogriff nodded. Sirius hopped on the creature.

Sirius: Thank you, Harry, Y/N... I hope we'll see each other soon.
He said, as he left, both him and Buckbeak flying through the dark night sky.

They ran as fast as they could to the Hospital Wing, just in time to catch Dumbledore closing the Door.

Hermione: Professor, we did it.
She panted.

He smiled at them.
Dumbledore: I don't have a clue of what are you talking about.
He said, winking at them, as he locked them in.

Ron looked at them in shock.
Ron: You... You just disappeared! How come you're here?!
He shouted.

They looked at each other, before laughing at him.

Y/N: You must be seeing things, Ron.
He said.

Madame Pomfrey came out from her office to check on them, muttering something under her breath.

Then, the door suddenly burst open, and Snape got inside, furious, while Fudge and Dumbledore followed him.

He pointed his finger at the twins.

Snape: You two! I know it's your doing! I just know this has something to do with you! Spit it out!
He yelled.

Fudge: calm down, Snape.
He said.

Snape: I know it's their doing! You don't know what they're capable of, Minister!
He yelled.

Dumbledore: Severus, I suggest you to calm down. You yourself saw that the door was locked.
He said.

He then turned to look at Madame Pomfrey.

Dumbledore: Poppy, have they left this room?
He asked.

Madame Pomfrey: Of course not, Headmaster! I have been here all the time!
She said.

Dumbledore smiled.
Dumbledore: See, Severus? They're innocent. At  least that you aren't saying that they can be in two different places at the same time.
He said, winking at them.

Snape: This isn't over, you two.
He spat venomously, before storming off.

Fudge sighed heavily.
Fudge: He's got a really short temper, huh. Man, what a nightmare! We had just caught Black, and yet, he slipped away from us once again! Not to mention that Hippogriff too!
He said.

Dumbledore: I assume that you're going to send the Dementors away, Cornelius.
He said.

Fudge: Yes, of course. There's no need to keep them here anymore. I'll send them back to Azkaban straight away.
646 words.

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