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Fred: Let's go straight to business.
He said, as he activated the map again, and opened it on a desk.

Fred: There are 7 known passages that lead out of the castle. However, we're sure that Filch knows 4 of them. So that leaves three more passages. One of them, unfortunately, is under the Whomping Willow, so it's impossible to use it, and the other one is closed since last year. That leaves the one inside the witch's statue on the third floor. It will take you straight to Honeydukes.
He said.

Harry and Y/N beamed at him.
Harry: Thanks a lot.
He said.

George: Well, we'll get going now, or they might get suspicious.
He said, as he left.

Harry and Y/N looked at each other, smiling, as they headed straight to the Witch's statue.

They looked at it, but they couldn't find the passage.

Y/N: How do we-
He was about to say, when Harry cut him off.

Harry: Look, Y/N!
He said, as he showed him the map.

There was a single word near Harry's name.

Harry: Looks like some kind of spell.
He said.

Y/N took out his wand, and then pointed it to the statue.

Y/N: Dissendium!
He said.

A hole opened in the statue, making them gasp. It was a long tunnel that proceeded straight in the darkness.

Harry: Guess we'll better get going, now, shall we?
He said, smirking, as Y/N nodded.

They followed the tunnel for what seemed like an eternity, and then, Harry lifted up a tile, and they got out.

They looked around amazed.
They were inside Honeydukes's basement.

They sneaked upstairs, trying not to be noticed. Then, they put on the Cloak, and went to search for Ron and Hermione.

They found them soon after, looking through some sweets.

Ron: Do you think Harry would like this?
He said, lifting up a strange candy.

Harry pulled the cloak down.
Harry: Ew, definitely not.
He said.

Ron almost had an heart attack.

Ron: Harry!
He said happily.

Y/N rolled his eyes.
Y/N: Thanks for caring about me too, Ron.
He said sarcastically.

Ron: Y/N, you came too!
He said in delight.

Y/N: Of course I came too! Did you think I would miss something like this? Heck, this place is awesome!
He said happily.

However, Hermione wasn't that happy.
Hermione: You two shouldn't have come.
She said.

Ron rolled his eyes.
Ron: Hermione, no one will find out! Now would you leave them be? They have to see how beautiful Hogsmeade is!
He said.

He then looked at the twins.
Ron: Let's go, you two! You have to try some Butterbeer!
He said, as he dragged them both outside.

Hermione followed them, muttering something under her breath.

On their way to the Three Broomsticks, Ron would occasionally tell them about some of the shops they had visited.

That's when Hermione butted into the conversation.

Hermione: Did you know that Ron has a crush on Madame Rosmerta, the owner of the Three Broomsticks?
She said, amused.

Ron's cheeks flushed red.

Y/N: What?! I always thought he had a crush on Angelina!
He said dramatically.

They all laughed except Ron.
Ron: That's not true. And everyone knows you have a crush on Katie Bell, Y/N!
He said.

Y/N laughed at him.
Y/N: And... that's wrong. I don't have a crush on anybody. Yeah, Katie's pretty and all, but I don't really have a crush on her.
He said, smirking at Ron, as they finally reached their destination.

Harry saw Fudge, McGonagall and Flitwick, and quickly pulled Y/N under the Cloak with him.

Y/N: Hey-
He was about to say, but Harry put a hand on his mouth.

Y/N pouted, crossing his arms.

They were talking with a blonde woman about Sirius Black and the night the Potters died, immediately gaining the twins' attention.

They followed them into a private room, and stood in the corner, looking at them.

What they were about to hear would've changed their lives for sure.
690 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗔𝘇𝗸𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗻 | Harry Potter x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now