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The next day, Madame Pomfrey finally let Y/N go.

She was reluctant about that decision, but Y/N told her that he simply couldn't stay there for a week, and she seemed to agree.

She told him that he wouldn't have been able to do homework for a while, and that he was very lucky.

Madame Pomfrey: I still don't understand why you did something so reckless just to save who I'm sure is the person you Hate the most.
She said, shaking her head disapprovingly.

Y/N: Believe me, I don't even know myself. It's as if... My body just moved on its own.
He muttered darkly.

Madame Pomfrey: Whatever. You have to keep that arm still, Potter.
She said.

And with that, she put a band around it, and secured it to his neck.

Y/N: Thank you.
He said, as he left.

He was relieved.
However, bad news were awaiting for him. When he got into the Common Room, Harry, Ron and Hermione informed him of the recent events, and that relief that had pervaded his body just a few moments before had now vanished.

Buckbeak had been Condemned, and in a few months, Hagrid and Buckbeak had to attend a Trial.

Y/N felt really bad.
Y/N: But why did they condemn him! Who-
He was about to say, but Harry cut him off.

Harry: Y/N, we already know who the culprit is. It's Malfoy. He told his father that An Hippogrif almost killed him, and here we are.
He said bitterly.

Ron: That git.
He muttered angrily.

Y/N gritted his teeth.
Y/N: Just wait until my arm heals, Malfoy. I swear you'll pay for this.
He thought, as he gloomly slumped on the armchair near Harry's.

Y/N: What about Hagrid?
He asked.

Hermione: We haven't seen him all day.
She said worriedly.

They all looked at Y/N.
Harry: How's your arm?
He slowly asked.

Y/N shrugged.
Y/N: Just a deep cut, nothing to worry about. It'll take a while to heal, but it wasn't badly damaged, so I'll have my arm back to normal soon.
He said nonchalantly.

Hermione: Nothing to worry about?! Y/N, for all we know, those claws could've hit any part of your body! Thank God you menaged to shield yourself with your arm just in time, or else you'd be badly injured, right now.
She said.

Y/N: Stop being pessimistic, Hermione. I'm fine, there's nothing to worry about.
He said.

Hermione sighed, shaking her head disapprovingly.
Hermione: Idiot.
She muttered under her breath, as Harry, Ron and Y/N chuckled.

Later, that same night, the Quartet went to Hagrid's hut, under Harry's Invisibility Cloak.

When they got in, Hagrid was a mess.
He was very drunk, and had red, puffy eyes.
He had obviously been crying.

They all sat around the table, and tried to comfort him.

Ron: You'll see, Hagrid. They can't condemn him!
He said.

Hermione: Hagrid, don't worry about anything. I'll help you with it! I remember reading about something like this, some time ago. An Hippogrif had attacked a Human, and had been judged innocent. Maybe Buckbeak will be judged innocent too! We just have to be prepared, that's all. Leave it to me!
She said confidently, As Y/N nodded furiously.

He felt very sorry for Hagrid. Just seeing him in that state made him feel sad.

Hermione got up, and grabbed all the glass bottles from the table.

Hermione: Let's get rid of these. Hagrid, how about you go and wash your face outside?
She suggested.

Hagrid slowly got up, and went outside.

He came back a few minutes later.
As he got in, however, his fell on Harry and Y/N.

Hagrid: Harry, Y/N! What are yeh doin' here!
He shouted, making the twins flinch.

He then looked at Ron and Hermione.
Hagrid: Yeh shouldn' let 'em go outside after sunset!
He said.

They all looked down.
Y/N: We were just worried-
He was about to say, but Hagrid cut him off.

Hagrid: Yeh don' have to be worried 'bout me! C' mom, I'm taking yeh back to the Castle.
He said.

The following days had been pure hell for Y/N. His arm kept hurting. But he had enough of it already, so, even though it hadn't healed yet, one day he threw the band around his arm away.

Y/N: Screw it all.
He muttered under his breath.

Hermione looked at him, sighing.
Harry: Are you sure, Y/N?
He asked worriedly.

Y/N: Let's go, or we'll be late.
He said, changing the topic, as he headed towards the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom.

That same day, in fact, they had their first lesson with Lupin.

As they got in, Lupin greeted them all warmly.

Y/N looked around, a bit perplexed.
The desks in the room had been moved to one side, and now, the whole room was empty, except for a wardrobe, that stood in the middle of it.

Lupin patiently waited for them all to arrive, and when they were ready, he spoke.

Lupin: Good Morning to all of you. Today, we'll be fighting a boggart. This one moved in this wardrobe recently, so I asked the Headmaster to leave it to me. Now, which of you can tell me what a boggart is?
He asked.

Y/N and Hermione's hand shot in the air instantly.

Lupin: Yes, Y/N?
He asked.

He had a big smile plastered on his face.

Y/N smiled back at him.
Y/N: A boggart is a creature that transforms in what the person in front of it fears the most. No one does know what a boggart looks like when it's alone, though.
He said.

Lupin: Excellent. I couldn't explain it better. 10 points to Gryffindor.
He said, clapping his hands.

He then turned around, looking at everyone. And they all looked back at him, excited, for the first time in 3 years.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1010 words.

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