•The Black Dog•

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[Thought ]
The Quartet waited for the three people to get inside Hagrid's hut.

Y/N: We should be going, before they notice us here.
He said, as the other three nodded in agreement.

They began to walk back to the castle, as the sky got darker and darker by each second.

Halfway back, though, Hermione and Y/N stopped.

A loud chopping sound echoed through the night, followed by a thud, like something falling on the ground.

Y/N's eyes immediately filled up with tears, and Hermione put her hands on her mouth in horror.

Hermione&Y/N: They've done it.
They both said.

Harry, Ron and Hermione hugged Y/N tightly. They knew how much he loved Buckbeak, and seeing him in that state just saddened them even more.

Y/N: How could they do such a horrible thing? Buckbeak was innocent!
He said furiously, roughly wiping his tears away, as the sky above them had just become completely dark.

But they had more urgent matters to care about.

Scabbers suddenly broke free from Ron's grip, and fell on the ground, running away into the darkness.

Ron: Scabbers!
He said, as he pulled the Cloak off of him, and ran after the rat.

Harry,Hermione&Y/N: Ron!
They shouted, pulling the Cloak down, and running after their friend.

They were just a few meters away from the Whomping Willow.

But just when Ron had menaged to catch Scabbers, a huge black dog appeared out of nowhere, running in their direction.

They all stared at it as if they had just seen a ghost.

Hermione: It can't be possible... I mean, the Grim doesn't exist!
She said.

Y/N: Well, Hermione, I don't think it's the right time to worry if this fucking Grim exists or not, don't you think?!
He said sarcastically, as the Dog jumped on top of Harry, knocking him on the ground.

Y/N: Harry!
He yelled, as the Dog then proceeded to jump on Ron, knocking him in the ground too, and then biting his leg, as it started to carry him towards a hole at the feet of the Whomping Willow.

Ron tried his best to hold onto the tree's roots, but it was all useless.

With a loud crack, Ron's leg broke, and he disappeared inside the hole.

Hermione: Oh, no, no, no! What do we do?
She said, panicking.

Y/N: Hermione, pull yourself together and calm the fuck down!
He said, shaking her.

But before they could move, something hit them with enough force to send Y/N on the ground again.

He felt a strong pain on his stomach.

He moaned in pain, as he slowly tried to get up. He then looked up, and paled in horror.

For a moment, he had completely forgot they were under the Whomping Willow.

The tree had began to shake violently, trying to fend them off with its branches.

One of them hit Hermione on the face, sending her flying.

She grabbed onto Harry, and they both fell on the ground.

Another branch came out of nowhere, and hit  Y/N again, knocking him on the ground again.

He held his waist with both his arms, in pain.

The branch had opened a gash on his waist, and it was bleeding a lot.

Y/N: Crap! Ugh, I hope to have the chance to set this fucking tree on fire, someday!
He yelled, trying not to cry because of the stinging pain.

Harry: This thing is out of control!
He shouted desperately, barely menaging to dodge another branch.

Y/N heard something approaching them.

He looked around.
That's when he saw two pairs of glowing eyes heading in their direction.
621 words.

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