•Taking Action•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Hermione and Y/N looked at Harry.
Y/N then lowered his gaze.

Y/N: To be honest... I've seen them too. Or rather, I think. I couldn't quite understand what those two figures were.
He said.

Hermione looked at them both.
Hermione: But... They're dead, aren't they?
She slowly said.

Harry and Y/N looked away.
Harry&Y/N: I know, Hermione.
They both said grimly.

They sat there, waiting for waht looked like an eternity.

But then, Harry finally heard some voices.
Harry: We're out, and Lupin's about to turn into a Werewolf!
He said.

They peeked from behind the tree, and saw the whole battle between Sirius and Lupin.

Then, just when Lupin was about to finish Sirius, Y/N did something really stupid.

He let out a very loud roar, that echoed through the silence of the night.

Lupin and the others turned around.

He then started to run towards their direction.
Harry: Uh-oh!
He said.

They all ran towards the Lake, where Sirius was, closely followed by Buckbeak.

Then, the air became cold.

They looked up, and saw hundreds of Dementors sliding towards Sirius.

They saw Harry try to shield Harry, while Y/N casted his spell, turning one of them to ashes.

They waited patiently for the two figures to show up.

But they were nowhere to be seen.

Y/N: Harry, we have to do something, or this is not gonna end well!
He shouted, panicking.

But Harry shook his head.
Harry: Just a few more moments! I'm sure they'll come!
He desperately said.

But that never happened.
The two figures never showed up.

That's when the twins understood everything. They both took their wands out, and rushed towards the Lake, ignoring Hermione's shouting.

They pointed their wands towards the Dementors, and recalled their happiest memory.

They both shouted.

Their Patronuses erupted from the tip of their wands, shocking Hermione, as they chased the Dementors away, before floating on the Lake's black surface.

They looked at Sirius, Harry and Y/N, who looked back at them, before passing out.

Hermione: What have you done!
She said, panicking.

Y/N: It's fine, Hermione. This is what had to be done since the beginning. In the end, we haven't seen our parents... We've seen ourselves.
He said.

They looked at the three passed out figures, and then saw Snape, who had just regained his senses, conjure some stretchers, putting the twins on them, while he made Sirius' body levitate, before heading back to the castle, smiling triumphantly.

They looked at each other.
Hermione: There's no much time left, before Dumbledore locks us in. When have to hurry and save Sirius, and then head back to the Hospital Wing.
She said.

Y/N nodded.
Y/N: Very well. Guys, hop on Buckbeak.
He said nonchalantly.

They looked at him a sif he ahd just gone mad.

Hermione: Can I refuse?
She said hesitantly, as she looked at the Creature.

Y/N: Oh, come on, you'll be ok! Harry, you saw me back then, didn't you? How I calmed Buckbeak during Hagrid's first lesson. He won't harm you, trust me.
He said.

Harry's eyes lit up.
Harry: Right. I forgot you can talk to animals.
He said, smiling.

Hermione sighed, and then hopped on Buckbeak, followed by Harry.

Y/N caressed the creature.
Y/N: Alright, Beaky. Lead us to Sirius!
574 words.

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