•Unveiling The Truth•

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McGonagall: Do you remember how close Sirius Black and James Potter were, Rosmerta?
She asked, as she sat on the couch.

Rosmerta chuckled.
Rosmerta: You bet I do. They were unseparable. Where there was James, there was Sirius, and where there was Sirius there was James.
She said, chuckling.

McGonagall nodded, smiling nostalgically.
McGonagall: Anyway, Sirius Black started working for You-know-what some point, and then started passing him informations on the Potters' Wereabouts. Dumbledore suspected something was off, and proposed the Potters to use a Fidelius Charm.
She said, as Fudge grabbed something to drink.

Rosmerta looked at them in confusion.
Rosmerta : A Fidelius Charm? What's that?
She asked.

Flitwick: It's an immensely complex spell involving the magical concealment of a secret inside a single, living soul. The information is hidden inside the chosen person, or Secret-Keeper, and is henceforth impossible to find — unless, of course, the Secret-Keeper chooses to divulge it. As long as the Secret-Keeper refused to speak, You-Know-Who could search the village where Lily and James were staying for years and never find them, not even if he had his nose pressed against their sitting room window!
He said.

McGonagall nodded.
McGonagall: Dumbledore himself offered to be their Secret Keeper.
She said.

Rosmerta: And then?
She asked.

McGonagall: They refused, and chose Black. After a year, he betrayed them. He sold them to You-Know-Who. He took him to their house. And then you know the rest of the story, Rosmerta. He killed them both, but he was then stopped by little Y/N and Harry, and lost his powers.
She said.

Harry's eyes widened.
Fudge: Black is mentally ill. After discovering about You-Know-Who's demise, he killed 13 people in a crowded street with just one curse, killing poor Peter Pettigrew along with them, just because he had tried to reason with him.
He said.

Rosmerta looked at him.
Rosmerta: Pettigrew... Wasn't he that clumsy boy who always followed them around?
She asked.

McGonagall and the other two nodded.
Fudge: Only a finger. That's what's left of Peter Pettigrew. A very tragic accident indeed.
He said, taking a sip from his drink.

McGonagall: But that's not all. This story becomes even more tragic, if you consider the fact that Sirius Black... Is actually Harry's Godfather.
She said.

Harry's and Y/N's eyes widened, upon hearing that.

That was just too much.

They rushed outside, shoving past the crowd and knocking them on the ground.
They just wanted to go as far away from there as possible.

They were now in a clearing, and sat on the snow.

Harry was crying his eyes out.
Y/N pulled him closer.

He couldn't blame him.
What they had just heard was just too much to bear.

They saw Hermione and Ron coming closer, and then, she pulled the Cloak down.

That's when she saw Harry crying.
Hermione: Harry, What happened?
She asked worriedly.

Harry gritted his teeth in anger.
he shouted.

Hermione and Ron looked at him.
He yelled.

Ron and Hermione then finally looked at Y/N.

He wasn't crying.
He wasn't sad.
Actually, they couldn't understand what he was feeling at that moment.
His face was just unreadable.

Y/N: I want him to search for us. And I really hope he finds us.
He suddenly said.

Hermione and Ron flinched upon hearing that.
Ron: Y/N, have you gone insane or what?
He asked.

Y/N: You're wrong, Ron. I'm perfectly sane. Right now.. I just want to be the one who will turn him to ashes.
619 words.

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