•Hagrid's First Lesson•

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They all walked to Hagrid's hut.
It was a sunny day outside, and Hagrid was waiting for them already.
He then proudly smiled at them all.

Hagrid: 'Morning Everyone. I've got a special treat for yeh today. Let's go.
He said, as he led them to the Forbidden Forest.

He finally stopped in front of a stone circle, and turned around, looking at them.

Hagrid: Good. Now open yer books-
He was about to say, but Malfoy interrupted him.

Malfoy: And how are we supposed to do that?
He asked.

Hagrid looked at them.
Hagrid: None of you... opened their book?
He said.

They all took their books out and showed him. Many had closed them with Spellotape, others, like Y/N, had closed it with a Belt.

Hagrid: Yeh've got to pet 'em!
He said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Malfoy: How silly of me... We had to pet them!
He said, as some Slytherins laughed.

Y/N glared at him.
Not only was he ruining the lesson, he was also making fun of Hagrid.

Hagrid gave them an apologetic look.
Hagrid: I thought it could've been funny, yeh know.
He muttered.

Malfoy laughed.
Malfoy: Oh, a book that tries to bite you is very funny!
He said sarcastically.

Y/N looked at Hagrid.
Y/N: He's panicking...
He thought.

Hagrid: Yeh have yer books... And now yeh need the Magical Creatures. Yeah, I-I'll go get 'em, wait here.
He said, as he got deeper into the forest.

Malfoy: God, this place really deludes me. That... Thing, a professor? Wait till my father hears about this.
He said, but Y/N had enough.

He was about to curse him, when Harry spoke.
Harry: Shut up, Malfoy.
He said.

Malfoy: Uh!
He said mockingly, as some Slytherins laughed.

He then started to back away, pretending to be scared, and pointed behind Harry.

Malfoy: Dementor, Dementor!
He shouted, as everyone turned around.

However, there was no Dementor.
Malfoy and some other Slytherins pulled their hoods up, and made fun of Harry.

Y/N: You never learn, Malfoy.
He said coldly.

Malfoy's smile fell, but he quickly regained his composure. Malfoy was about to say something back, but Hagrid came back, cutting him off.

Hagrid: Ta dah! Meet Buckbeak! He's an Hippogrif.
He said, as everyone except Y/N looked at it like it was the worst monster in existence.

Y/N: So cute!
He said, or rather, he squealed, shocking everyone.

Harry, Ron and Hermione facepalmed.

He had done the same thing when he had seen Norbert for the first time.

Hagrid smiled approvingly at him.
Hagrid: Never attack an Hippogrif! Proud beasts, they are. And it'll be the last thing yeh do. I can assure yeh that those claws are very sharp and painful.
He said, as Y/N kept looking at Buckbeak like a kid looking at a lollipop.

Hagrid: So, who wants to try and pet him?
He asked.

Everyone backed away without Y/N knowing.

Hagrid: Y/N!
He said happily.

Y/N paled.
Y/N: Me?
He said.

He turned around, and noticed that everyone else was a meter away from him.

Y/N: Well, thank you.
He said bitterly, as Harry and Ron pushed him forward.
552 words.

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