•The Dementor's Last Weapon•

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Lupin looked at him.
His smile had now turned into a very serious expression.

Lupin: Let's see... It's the worst thing a Dementor's can do to a living being. The Dementor's Kiss is considered to be the Dementor's Last Weapon. By performing the Kiss, the Dementor sucks away a person's Soul.
He said.

Harry blinked a few times.
Harry: What?
He said.

Lupin: They use their mouth to suck away a person's Soul. It's the worst a person can experience, as I already said.
He said.

Y/N looked at him.
Y/N: But... Is it possible to live without a Soul?
He asked.

Lupin chuckled bitterly.
Lupin: Oh, you bet it's possible. It's even worse than you expect. You see, you can exist without your Soul. Well, as long as your brain and heart are working, that is. But you'll have no sense of self anymore, no memory of who you used to be, no... Anything. There's no chance of recovery. You'll just... Exist. As empty shell. Just an echo of who you used to be. And your Soul is gone forever... Lost.
He said.

Harry: It's horrible.
He said, as Y/N nodded in agreement.

Lupin: It will be Black's fate.
He said.

The Twins' eyes widened.
Y/N: What?
He said.

Lupin: The Ministry allowed the Dementors to perform the Kiss, if they ever put their hands on Black.
He said.

Y/N: Well... I feel sorry for him... Just a little.
He muttered.

Lupin: It's late. You two should go back to your dorm.
He said.

They both nodded, and after bidding him a goodbye, they left the room.

Some days went by.
Harry, Ron, Hermione and Y/N were currently in Trelawney's classroom, for their Divination Class.

They had finally moved on to Crystal Balls.
Not that Y/N and Hermione really cared.
They didn't like that subject at all.

They all stared at the ball in front of them, but all they could see was just vorticating smoke, and Y/N was about to fall asleep.

Then, Trelawney approached their table. Hermione, who had already figured out that she was about to predict Harry's death once more, smiled at her.

Hermione: Can I try?
She asked politely.

Trelawney beamed at her.
Trelawney: Of course, my dear.
She said.

Y/N rubbed his eyes, looking lazily at Hermione.
Hermione: Let's see...
She said.

She then gasped.

Everyone turned their heads towards their table, and looked at Hermione.

Trelawney looked at her.
Trelawney: What is it, my dear? What have you seen?
She asked.

Hermione pretended to look more throughly inside the ball.
Hermione: Oh. It's just another Grim.
She said unenthusiastically, smirking at the other three.

Y/N did his best to not to laugh.
Trelawney, however, wasn't pleased at all with Hermione's sense of humor.

She gave her an annoyed look.
Trelawney: You will excuse me, my dear, but since the first time you came to this room, I couldn't see any Aura around you.
She said.

That was the worst mistake she could do.

Hermione was furious.
Actually, Y/N had never seen her that angry.

Hermione: Is that so?!
She yelled.

She threw the ball away.
Then, she got up, grabbed her bag, and stormed off, muttering insults and curses under her breath.

That left everyone quite astonished.

That's when Lavender Brown raised her hand excitedly.

Lavender: Ohh! Professor! You had already predicted this! 'Around March, one of us will leave us forever'!
She chanted.

Trelawney nodded.
Trelawney: That is correct, my dear. I had already seen that Miss Granger would have left us.
She said, smiling proudly at her.

But Y/N had enough.
Y/N: Well, looks like your prediction was wrong.
He said.

Trelawney: Sorry?
She said, looking at him.

Y/N: You heard me. Your predictions suck. It wasn't one, the person who would have left you forever. You can't see a thing, and this subject is boring and worthless as hell.
He said, getting up, and grabbing his bag.

He then looked at Lavender.

Y/N: Oh, and Lavender. Please, do everybody a favor and shut the fuck up. Stop being the teacher's pet, and grow up a little. You're annoying as hell.
He said, storming off.
714 words.

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