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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
The next day, Y/N woke up earlier than everyone else.

He got dressed, and then headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

It was almost completely empty, but he didn't mind. He didn't really like to stay in crowded places that much anyway.

After finishing his breakfast, he headed back to the Common Room, grabbed his bag, and then left.

His first lesson was Divination.
He had to choose some new subjects, last year, so he chose Divination, and Cure of Magical Creatures, which was being taught by Hagrid.

He and Hermione, however, were rather skeptical about Divination, but still decided to do it anyway.

It took him quite a while to arrive to the classroom, since it was very far away.

But once he arrived there, the only thing he could see was a Trapdoor on the ceiling, and it was closed, so he sat on the ground, and started reading his Defense Against the Dark Arts book.

Not that much time later, everyone else arrived too. Harry and Ron approached him, breathing heavily.

Ron: We couldn't find you anywhere.
He said. Y/N raised his eyes from the book, and looked at him.

Ron: You could've left us a message or something, at least.
He added, crossing his arms.

Harry: Or you could've just woken us up.
He said.
Y/N: Sorry about that.
He said, chuckling a little, as he put the book back in his bag.

In that exact moment, the Trapdoor opened, and a ladder fell out of it.

They all looked at each other, and then Y/N decided to go first.

He got up, and found himself in the weirdest classroom ever. He didn't even know if to consider it a classroom, or a tea parlor.

There were any desks or chairs, just some small tables, and poufs everywhere.
The curtains were closed, and the room had a strange smell, that made Y/N feel incredibly dizzy, and the lit up fireplace in the corner didn't help at all.

Y/N sat between Ron and Harry.
Hermione, much to their surprise, wasn't there.

Voice: Welcome, my dears.
A mystical voice said, making Y/N jump in surprise.

A woman then made a dramatic entrance, from the shadows.

She was tall and very skinny, with messy, curly hair, and a pair of big funny glasses.
She also had lots of foulards on, and many bracelets and necklaces on, that made noise whenever she moved.

Trelawney: I am Professor Trelawney, and I will be the one who will teach you everything about the Noble Art that Divination is!
She said, keeping her mystical tone, while dramatically gesturing with her hands, as some of the boys chuckled.

Y/N: Weirdo.
He thought.

Hermione: Nah, sounds lame.
She said in a whisper, making Harry, Ron and   Y/N jump in surprise.

They looked at her, in shock.

Ron: When did you get here!?
He asked, in shock.

Hermione laughed at him.
Hermione: Don't be silly, Ron. I was here from the beginning.
She said.

Ron: No, You weren't.
He said, but she just ignored him.

Trelawney: Now, we'll proceed with our lesson. We will start by reading tea leaves, so split into groups of two, drink the tea, rotate the cup a few times, and then exchange the cup with your companion.
She said, as they all walked to her desk, got a tea cup, and walked back.

They then split into pairs, and Y/N was with Hermione, while Harry was with Ron.

Y/N disliked that subject already, but by the end of it, he just knew he would've disliked it even more.
614 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗔𝘇𝗸𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗻 | Harry Potter x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now