3 1 0

My eyes follow his hand to what is now a black door in the white room. I look back to him to say goodbye. But before I can he melts into white dust and fills the dark line on the wall. Once more I am alone. Someone from behind the black door whispers my name.

"Hurry up, Mary. You're running out of time."

I dip into my pocket for the nine coins. Which one is it? They all look the same to me, wings at the back, and three headless fishes at the front. Maybe I need to look again, slowly this time, instead of as my usual impatient self.

I close my eyes and snail through each coin, my fingers stepping over the fallen heads as though they are eggshells. And it is between the heads of one coin that I feel it. I open my eyes to make sure. There's a piece of copper protruding between the second and third heads. I look back at the other coins one more time. Yes, this is definitely the only one. Or is it? While I'm trying to decide, the voice calls from behind the door again. Look! Either it is or it isn't. Shouldn't matter to me anyway! Just take a chance, Mary. I walk over quickly before I change my mind and push the coin in the slot.

NINE TIME MACHINES: Do you want to undo your entire life on planet earth?Where stories live. Discover now