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"Do you want the timer?"

"What timer?"

"An overhead timer so you can keep track of when I'll be back."

"Do I have to?"

"Most don't accept it. You don't have to either. I'm just letting you know your options."

I think it through for a while. Do I need a timer? Not necessarily. Then I think; what are timers for? People use them to countdown events, events that they're sure of. Christmas; birthdays; even New Year's. For me, it's my death. I already swallowed those pills and I know for sure that it'll happen. No amount of happy moments and pampering is going to change that.

"Let me have it," I say as she's about to walk out. "It's time I had some order in my life."

Mag pushes it overhead. "I'm setting it for an hour. Long enough for you to fall asleep."

"Oh, I'm not falling asleep at all. I want to experience every moment of this."

She sets the timer at sixty-seven and leaves. Great! That extra seven minutes might come in handy. Inhale. Exhale. Now it's just me and the music. Dammit! No, me and this itching. I want to tear everything off me and scratch a hole in my body, my nose, chin, arms, legs, hair; face even. But maybe what I should be doing is thanking it. This can be the welcomed intrusion I need to keep me safe from Ebony. In my final hours, the last thing I'd want to be doing is spending it in her presence. And yes, just like that, I jinx my one chance for a peaceful exit.

NINE TIME MACHINES: Do you want to undo your entire life on planet earth?Where stories live. Discover now