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Before I begin, I think of all the things I can say or do to wrap my mind around reversal. Then I focus on my picture and walk anti-clockwise around the circle again.



"Saturday; Friday; Thursday; Wednesday; Tuesday; Monday; Sunday."

"Pethiel Mary. Falona Pete. Paul Father. Dumont Marc. Ka...Li...Ma."

"That's it, Mary. Move like the earth; counter clockwise. Backwards is good."

Once I put myself in a deep enough trance, I stand and stare at the one-storey building, and ask myself what I prefer to believe about it. I want to believe it holds a special treasure, one I've been searching for since forever. Then I imagine that I hid it from myself a long time ago. It was one of those times when Ebony left me alone with the castle thief, when all her money was gone and she had no choice but to return to her vomit. Something moved me to do it. I don't know; maybe intuition. Andromalius did say that it was my one strength. But there was something about the castle thief that scared the living daylights out of me. So I dug up my treasure and ran off into the night. There I found this building and hid it in one of the rooms. Now all I have to do is find the courage to enter it and finally become rich.

I can win that lotto and buy Hazel a mansion. Never mind the priest already won it. This is my world. I can undo everything and make it like I want, remember? So I'm going in, and when I'm done I'll just have to enter seal the deal. 

NINE TIME MACHINES: Do you want to undo your entire life on planet earth?Where stories live. Discover now