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"Don't even bother with the ritual circle. I don't think I want to know just yet."

"Even if you did have a question, you wouldn't understand the answer."

"I'm not even responding to that. Just tell me about Fantum, the evil one."

The serpent throws its head back and laughs heartily. "You mustn't let her under your skin."

"You're not the one in a coma, though."

"It's not literal."

"Well, that's how it feels when you're trapped some place where she has full control."

"You give it to her."

"She takes it."

"Maybe she's afraid of you."

"Fantum? Afraid? Not of me, that's for sure."

"She's afraid because she doesn't know why you were chosen."

"Hell, I don't even know why I was chosen. But I'm over it," I say sarcastically. "Not those masks, though. Deific masks, I think she called them. What's that about?"

"A mask that either fits or it doesn't."

"But they all fitted," I reply. "It's just they didn't all make me feel good, except the one."

"The fit is for what the face hides. The longer you wear it, the less it wants to hide."

NINE TIME MACHINES: Do you want to undo your entire life on planet earth?Where stories live. Discover now