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Grant: Guten tag

Literally anyone in the studio: WE DO NOT SPEAK THAT HERE, IT'S WWII-


Shawn: Yeah, a lil' lassie pointed to my head one day and said, "Ya should dye yer 'hair green". Strange kid, called 'emselves August, 'ike the one 'ere.

The Studio: ...

Shawn: What? What'd I say?

Wally: August isn't a common name, Shawn.


August: *drops cup* Oop- shit

August, hissing: *pours not really boiling water on their hand* Ah shit!

August: *spills cup filled with very hot water onto their hand* SHIT-


Norman: You have the spirit of a New Yorker.

August, Norman's arm still in their mouth: I know that you are calling me an asshole and frankly I do not care.


Shawn: What are you doing?

Grant: Work -

Wally, bursting into the room: Work, Angelica!

Susie: Work, work, Eliza!

Joey: and pEGgY-


August, opening the closet: Okay gender, what will it be today!

August's gender: *shrugs*

August: Seriously?? Again?? *grumbles and pulls on a t-shirt and overalls*


August: *holds up oleander* This is a flower!

Sammy: Is it a weapon?

August: ...

August: Do you want it to?


Jack: My favorite part about being an instrumentalist is that you become your instrument in a referral sense. No one in band calls you a 'trumpet player' , it's just 'a trumpet'. The trumpet. They and their trumpet are now one. There is no going back.

Sammy: In ninth grade someone asked me if I was a boy or a girl and I didn't hear him correctly so I said, "I'm a Clarinet."

Jack: You changed your look, I didn't know-

Sammy: I'm never letting you live that down.

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