Sick| Butcher gang ☁

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Edgar opened his eyes wearily, before groaning in annoyance. One of his arms covered his eyes as he tried to block out the assaulting light. It was too hot under the covers, but he couldn't bring up the energy to move.

"I feel like ___."

He rocked side to side. Once, twice, four times, before he fell off the side of his bed with a yelp.

The door slammed open. Two intimidating silhouettes looked over at the spider in a pile of blankets, before they rushed over.

"Edgar, are you okay?!"

Edgar swatted Charlie's hand away as the toon had started looking for injuries. "'M fine, I'm an adult, don't coddle me!"

"You pull around a duck toy," Barley pointed out the yellow duck on the nightstand that made him freeze.

"... Uhh," before a cough racked through his body.

The coughing fit that ensued was almost devastating to the spider's body, as the toon physics caused him to fly backwards and slam into the side of the bed.

"Oh ___, Edgar! You didn't tell me you were sick!" Charlie frantically ripped off his glove and pressed it against his forehead, Edgar wiggling in protest.

"nO! Boss, I'm fine, fit as a fiddle even!" Another cough interrupted him.

Charlie shook his head disapprovingly. "Now, now, Edgar, we don't lie here, and as your boss I have to make sure you aren't destroying yourself. Look at Bendy! When he's sick that idiot even lets the angel take care of him. If he's better than you, I may just have to sack you."

Edgar gasped out of disbelief, and once again when Barely suddenly picked him up to sit on the bed. "Boss, you wouldn't!"

"You're right. I wouldn't," Charly grinned. "Just needed to distract you so you wouldn't notice Barley about to set you on the bed. Now stay there, I'm going to get soup."

"Can't Barley do it!" Edgar whined, before being gently swatted upside the head. More like a rough head pat as Barley forced him to lay in bed.

"He can't cook, you know this," Charlie deadpanned before leaving the room.

Edgar huffed before leaving his head to fall against his pillow with a thump, ignoring how Barley started to stroke his head in order to stop relaxing.




"What," Edgar bared his fangs at the sailor, who didn't look intimidated in the slightest.

"Put those pointy things away mister, you know sleep is good for recovery. Even my ma knows that. You would too, if your sickness didn't make you like a moody teenager."

The arachnid whined again, before a finger shushed him abruptly. "No, bad. That's no way to speak to your elders."

"You aren't that old! We are all of similar ages, you just don't shave."

"And you are extremely short."

"I reckon I'd be taller than you if I stood up straight."

"Please don't, you're sick."

"Oi," Charlie snapped his fingers a few times before entering the room. He has changed out of his suit and is in some simple bedwear. "Edgar, stop fighting with Barley and stop talking, you'll hurt your throat. Barley, Get changed. The policy is if one of us has a day off, we all have a day off. We can do that because there are only three of us, you know this."

"Yeah, yeah," the toon grumbled slightly as he made his way to the door. "Is that my ma's recipe? You know Edgar loves that one."

"Yep," and Edgar's eyes sparkled, much more agreeing to recovery.

Charley let Edgar eat the warm soup, occasionally wiping the spider's chin. He didn't want the sheets dirty and Edgar didn't care. Eventually Barley came back with his bedwear on and simply sat there to read.

"... Thanks guys."

"Yeah, no biggie."

Edgar sneezed.


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