Authors Notes

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Hi all! Reading fanfics has always been a hobby of mine. I've read pretty much every Eddie Munson fic this app has to offer, and they inspired me to finally write my own!

This is somewhat of a slow burn romance. Pretty smutty...very sexy in my biased opinion! Keep in mind while reading that Vecna and the Upside Down don't exist in this timeline.

Please be kind, this is my first publish. I mainly wrote this story for myself as a creative outlet. If it never sees the light of day, or even if one person reads it my heart will explode!

PLEASE feel free to leave comments!

This is a hobby, not a career choice so I'm sure there will be grammatical errors, misspellings, etc. My plan is to update 2-3 times per week! Xo.❤️

Current upload schedule is M/W/F 😊

WARNING: Adult Content
Mentions: Drug & Alcohol Use
Mental Health
Sexual Assault

The Stranger Things characters and settings belong to Netflix. I only own the rights to the individual story and original characters developed.

Please do not re-post this story as your own, copy to another website, or edit this story in anyway.

Thank you for your love and support! ❤️

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