033 - Slushie

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I burst through the double doors of the school and out to the parking lot. The sting of the winter air burned my lungs and my body tingled as chill bumps traveled across my skin. I tossed my hands in the air and danced around in circles.

I felt completely invigorated...free.

Once Eddie reached me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and continued to twirl me around. "I'm proud of you, sweetheart."  

His words somehow made my smile grow larger. "Get me outta here?" I begged, looking up at him.  

He grinned, leading me away from the school. "Such a bad influence, Reed."   

As we reached the back of the van, I pulled Eddie to a stop. I glanced over his broad shoulders, checking to see if anyone had noticed us leave before slinging the doors open and dragging him inside.   

He fell, hitting something hard in the floorboard. "Jesus H. Christ" he hissed, rubbing the back of his head.  

"Crap! Are you okay?" I asked, bending over him.  

He looked up, only now realizing I was on top of him. "Not sure...I think making out for a few minutes might help though" he smirked, licking his bottom lip.   

Damn him. He knows that's my weakness.

"Is that right?" I replied, mirroring his movements with my tongue. "I think you hit your head a little too hard, Munson."  

He released a low, sexy laugh before reaching behind my neck and pulling me into his wet kiss. His grip was tight with passion and caused a soft moan to escape from my lips.  

The sound satisfied him, causing him to sit up and grab two handfuls of my ass. Instinctively, I began grinding my hips against him, craving the friction.

Our mouths roughly consumed each other. I clawed at his shirt, pressing my body against his, pleading for more. I felt his length twitch between my thighs and dug my nails into his chest.

The low rumble I felt from him made my entire body tingle. My tongue danced across the bottom lip he used to tease me. I carefully pulled it between mine, and lightly bit it.   

Eddie pulled his face back to look at me, cheeks flushed, and mouth swollen. "Fuck. When did you become so naughty?" he smirked.   

A noise coming from outside of the van interrupted my reply. I looked out the window to Principal Higgins completing his daily rounds. Every day between classes he walks around campus checking for students skipping class...Students like us.   

Shit. Shit. Shit.  

Eddie and I looked at each other and sunk further into the floorboard. Dave would kill us both if we got caught making out in the back of Eddie's van. That is of course, if I didn't die from absolute embarrassment first.  

He began to speak, but I slapped my hand firmly over his mouth. It was almost like he wanted to get caught. He grunted and playfully licked my fingers.   

"Gross Eddie!" I whisper yelled, wiping the saliva on his chest.   

He had that goofy, shit eating grin plastered on his face as I peeked out the window once more. Higgins had turned around and was making his way back into the school.   

Thank God  

I let out a sigh of relief and climbed off Eddie's lap. "That was too close" I huffed.   

"Hey, you're the one that dragged me back here" he replied, smacking my butt as I climbed into the front seat.

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't hear any complaints, sir. Now let's go before he comes back!"  

Eddie Munson - Novel LikeWhere stories live. Discover now