049 - Daisies & Daydreams

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"You really have no idea where he's taking you?" Robin asked from the edge of the bed as I stood, removing the rollers from my hair.

"No idea. I was told to wear something comfortable and not eat lunch" I shrugged.

Robin whistled and clapped her hands together. "So, he's gonna sex you up and then feed you" she teased, wiggling her thick brows.

I tossed one of the empty curlers towards her and rolled my eyes. "You're just as much of a perv as he is, Buckley" I joked. "Are you seeing anyone tonight?" I questioned, fishing for more details about her and Vicki.

Her freckled face suddenly flushed pink. "If by anyone, you mean the girl I'm officially going to ask to be my girlfriend tonight...then yes, yes, I am" she answered coyly.

I frantically bounced up and down, squealing and clapping my hands like a trained seal. "Oh my god, Robin. Are you serious?"

"As a heart attack" she replied.

Like magnets, my arms linked themselves around the girl with tears stinging my eyes. I couldn't force words to leave my lips, fearing emotions would break through.

Robin was never a stranger. She was a breath of fresh air who eased into my life with a box of pizza and a mouth full of words. The quirky, unique beauty she brought into my world could never be duplicated. She was my soul sister. To find even an ounce of happiness in this life was only a fraction of the love that she deserved. "That's so great" was all I could muster.

A familiar, heavy-handed knock at the front door broke our embrace. Robin quickly wiped her cheeks, standing up from the bed. "Okay, I'll go get lover boy. You finish getting ready!"

I smiled through blurred vision, and I moved to my closet. In attempt to stay comfortable but cute, I settled on a pair of short blue jean overalls, and a loose-fitting linen shirt with my white high tops. I tied a bandana around my head, letting my curls fall freely, and adjusted the golden locket that hung around my neck.

When I entered the living room, Robin was attempting to annoy the location of our date out of Eddie. I felt a knot of tension in my stomach relax just at the sight of him. He too, looked more than relieved to see me come into view.

He wore a pair of ripped black jeans, and a simple grey t-shirt with his leather jacket and denim vest. Personally, I'd smother in all the layer this time of year. But to him, I knew it mean comfort.

I watched Eddie's eyes sparkle as he took in my appearance, lingering on the exposed skin of my thighs. "Hey, you" he beamed, placing a small peck on my lips.

"Hey" I replied, playfully grabbing his collar, and sneaking another kiss. "Now will you tell me where we're going now?"

"No... but, I'll give you a hint" he grinned, placing a bouquet of freshly picked daises in my hand.

Robin inhaled sharply, smacking her hand over her gaped mouth. The flowers had obviously helped her to discern the secret location.

Eddie gave her a stern look. "I swear to god, Buckley if you ruin this..." he warned through gritted teeth.

She moved her fingers across her lips in a zipping motion, throwing the imaginary key over her shoulder. "Your secret's safe with me, Munson" she replied.

I pressed the flowers to my nose, filling my head with the scent of spring, and stepped to the kitchen to put them into water. My mind flipped through the pages of Hawkins, attempting to put together the clues I'd been given.

Nothing...I've got nothing.

"Alright, well you lovebirds have fun. I have matters of my own to attend to" Robin quipped.

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