017 - Not Another Party

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"I don't know, Ali. Remember the last time we went to a party?" Eddie asked, unboxing the new cassettes for the shop.  

According to Nancy, this was a big party the rich kids through every year, and everyone went. She practically begged on her hands and knees for Eddie and me to go.

"Which part? The part when you tried to kiss me, or the part when I threw up?" I joked.  

He gave me a cheeky look, "Actually, I meant the part where I nailed that dickhead, but the other parts were good too" he winked.  

"Oh, come on Eddie. Please? Do it for me." I begged, fluttering my eye lashes intentionally bribing him.  

He held his hand to his chest in a mocking way. "Well, how could I possibly say no to that?"  

I clapped my hands in victory with a playful smile and continued organizing records. What the hell was I going to wear? Eddie was actually far more excited about a costume than I imagined he'd be.  

Duh, he is into D&D, a roll playing game.  

"Did you bring any of your work for O'Donnell's?" I asked, knowing he was hoping I'd forget.  

"I was hoping you forgot about that" he said with a grin.  

"Did you forget that if you don't pass, I don't? Meaning we don't graduate, and as much as I like you Munson, I'm not re-doing senior year."  

His cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. "So you like me, huh?"  

"Oh, shut it!" I replied as I threw a wad of packing tape at him.  

I spent the rest of the afternoon attempting to tutor Eddie. He was worse than Robin trying to stay focused. I'd definitely have to come up with a different tactic to help him stay motivated.

Bribery, maybe?


"So, is he a good kisser?" Robin asked.  

I threw my shoe at her. "Jesus Robin, really?"  

Both her and Nancy had been chomping at the bits to get more details about me and Eddie. I knew they weren't going to shut up until I told them something, so I caved and gave them the PG version.  

Robin was practically coming out of her skin with excitement.  

"Oh. My. God" was all that Nancy could say as she fanned herself with her hand.  

Nancy suggested getting ready for the party together. I'd never really experienced 'girl time' before, but it was nice.

Eddie was closing the record shop tonight and agreed to meet us there afterwards.  

I sat at my vanity applying my cat eyeliner and dark lipstick. My black cat costume was minimal and last minute, but I still looked hot. I wore a fitted black jumpsuit and black heeled boots. I added some loose curls to my hair and a headband with cat ears to pull it all together.  

Nancy was dressed as a cute and classy witch, she stood in front of my full-length mirror pinning her pointed hat onto her head.

Robin was in the bathroom doing God knows what to her costume. I had no idea what she was, but it was bloody and just plain gross.  

"Make sure you wash all of that fake blood down the drain, or I'll have an aneurysm the next time I go in there" I reminded her.  

"Would you relax, Ali. I'll take care of it. I just need it to look authentic" Robin insisted.  

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