015 - Light My Hellfire

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Dave still hadn't made it home by the time Eddie dropped me off. Thank God. I wasn't exactly sure how he felt about sleepovers, but I didn't particularly care to find out.

I ate a small breakfast, showered, and still had time to get some homework in before heading to the video store.

The season had officially begun to change. The air was crisp and cool, perfect for riding my board. The leaves were beginning to change from bright green to the warm, cozy shades of fall. Christmas was my favorite holiday, but nothing could beat the weather this time of year.

I opened the door to Family Video and heard Robin and Steve arguing about what movie they were watching next.

"You picked the last one" Robin complained.

"And you picked the two before that." Steve replied, snatching the remote from her hand.

Robin smiled, noticing my arrival. "Fine. Watch whatever you want doofus, I'm going on break" she smacked the back of his head messing up his Farrah hair.

"Damn it, Robin. What have I told you about the hair!" Steve yelled as we walked to the break room.

Robin sat down and took a monster bite of her PB&J. "So, guess what I'm doing tonight?" she questioned bouncing up and down in her chair.

"What?" I asked. She was practically bursting at the seams to tell me.

"Going to the movies with Vicki!" she shrieked.

"That's awesome Robin!?"

She grinned and took another bite of her sandwich. "Obviously we're just going as friends, but maybe this will help me find out if—ya know?"

"If she likes boobies." I teased.

She laughed, shaking her head as Nancy walked through the door. "Hey Nance. What are you doing here?" Robin asked, confused to see her.

"I was stopping in to make sure you were still helping me today" she replied, completely ignoring my presence.

"Oh shit, Nance. I completely forgot. Uh— I can't."

Nancy's face turned ten different shades of red, and I'm certain I saw smoke bellow from her ears. "What do you mean you can't? Tomorrow is the deadline, Robin. There's no way I can develop all those pictures alone" she fumed with her hands on her hips.

Robin gave me a pleading look. Damn her.

"Uh—Hey maybe I can help?" I offered. I absolutely did not want to help Nancy, but I also didn't want Robin to cancel her plans with Vicki.

Nancy hesitated for a moment. Obviously looking for an excuse to say no, but in the end, she was too desperate. "Fine. Let's go" she agreed before storming out.

I followed her, glancing back at Robin. "You owe me!" I whispered.

"Thank you!" She mouthed with a bright smile.


At the school, Nancy gave me a quick tutorial on how to develop the pictures. Then quickly made her way out of the dark room. It was painfully obvious she wasn't thrilled to have me here. A couple hours went by in complete silence before I finished the last of the pictures and went to check on her.

"Alight, all done. What's next?" I asked.

She looked at me in surprise, glancing at her watch. "You're done already?"

"Uh—yeah. It went pretty quickly after I found a good rhythm."

She shook her head and smiled. "You're much faster than Robin"

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