029 - Confession

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After the shit show at the trailer park, all I wanted to do was crawl back in bed. Nancy refused. They knew if they left me alone, I'd only spiral.

And they were right. I hadn't had enough time to process my last episode, I couldn't be left alone with this one.

We sat in the Wheeler's basement while Robin theatrically explained to everyone what happened.

Steve paced around with his hands on his hips. "Alright, that's it. Where's my goddamn bat?"

"Easy there, Rambo. Settle down" Dustin pleaded. "There has to be another explanation. Are you sure they weren't just doing a deal?"

Nancy sympathetically rubbed my back while I stared blankly at the curly headed boy. I was surrounded by my friends, but I felt the heavy pull of depression fraying the ends of my thoughts. I couldn't respond.

"It sure as hell didn't look that way, Dusty Bun. Not unless the deal included Chrissy leaving Eddies trailer... in the middle of the night, wearing his clothes, and being literally wrapped in his arms?" Robin answered for me.

Dustin winced and gave me an apologetic look. "Okay shit, that does sound pretty incriminating, but I still don't buy it. There's just no way." He explained, adjusting his Thinking Cap and stepping in pace with Steve.

"I agree with Dustin. All Eddie does is talk about you...it's kind of annoying actually." Mike added. "There's no way he'd cheat."

Someone from the other side of the room cleared their throat. "Hey...uh, I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but has anyone considered...I don't know. Maybe just asking him?" Will suggested.

Steve scoffed. "Oh, don't worry. I'll be sure to ask him after a beat his pretty head in."

I was sick of playing the guessing game with Eddie. I knew how I felt about him, but did he? He was right...I just needed to ask him. No bullshit. Good or bad, I needed to know the truth.

"Will's right" I finally spoke.

Without another word, I walked up the stairs and dialed Eddie's number.

Eddie's POV

I walked back into the trailer, slamming the door so hard one of Wayne's coffee mugs fell from the walls.

"Son of a bitch!" I yelled, walking over to pick up the shattered pieces.

I'd been to drop Chrissy off, then drove all over town looking for Ali. Robin's, Family Video, the record shop. I was so desperate I even went to Harrington's. I couldn't find her.

The phone rang. "Hello?" I grunted, lighting the end of a cigarette.

"My house in twenty?" I heard her tender voice, and my heart nearly fell out of my ass.

I cleared my throat and steadied my voice. "I'm on my way."

This is your last chance, Munson.


I took a deep breath and knocked softly on the door. I was so anxious, I could feel my heart beating in my throat. This could very well be the last time Ali ever spoke to me.

The entire drive here I imagined all the different scenarios in which she ended things with me. She had every right to. I hadn't lied to her, but I hadn't been completely honest either.

As she opened the door, I fought every urge not to drop to my knees and beg her to understand. "Hey" I muttered, pleading with her to look into my eyes.

"Hi" she replied quietly, staring at the ground between us.

I followed her into the living room, feeling like someone had shot me in the chest. It had been over a week since I'd last seen her, and I never imagined she would look so frail...broken. She had been through so much in the past week, it made me sick knowing that I had done nothing but add to her overflowing plate.

I don't deserve her.

I cleared my throat to speak. "Look, Ali—"

She held up her hand to silence me. "Wait. Let me go first" she insisted.
I nodded and listened intently. She swallowed hard and took a shaky breath. "Since moving to Hawkins, I think I've felt every emotion humanly possible. Anger, sadness...complete emptiness" she explained while picking at the skin around her fingers. "But also, happiness, excitement, passion, and love." She paused, looking at me with water welling in her ocean blue eyes. "But right now, Eddie all I feel is tired. I'm tired of second guessing...tired of being unsure."

I instinctively moved my body closer to her sensing her pain. The wound in my chest expanded when she pulled away from me. I felt the sting of tears threatening to spill as she unveiled her feelings. This was it, the moment I'd been dreading. The moment she was going to leave. "Ali, please—."

She cut me off again. "I need to know what's going on. Right here and right now. Good or bad. I need to know." She stared at me with tears staining her cheeks. "Because I love you, Eddie...and it's okay if you don't love me back. It's okay if you'd rather be with her. I promise. But I deserve to know the truth."

My breathing hitched as I processed what she had just said. I reached up to gently wipe her cheek with my thumb.

She loves me.

It felt like the weight of ten tons had been lifted from my chest. Hearing her say those three simple words, was like the first time I heard a Metallica solo.

Completely life changing.

I stood up and dug the small rectangle box out of my jacket pocket. "I was going to wait until Christmas to give you this, but I need you to have it now."

She furrowed her brows, as I steadied her trembling hands by placing my beneath hers. Ali slowly untied the string and removed the lid, revealing the golden oval shaped locket.

"Turn it over." I whispered.

She flipped the locket in her palm to read the words engraved in a delicate cursive.

I love you -E

"There's not a picture in it yet, but I thought—."

"Eddie, how long have you had this?" She asked, tracing her slim fingers along the words.

"A couple weeks now" I admitted, running my fingers through my hair. "I think I've always known, but the night I saw you in the crowd at my show...I knew I loved you, Ali. I've tried to tell you every day since, I'm just sorry it took me so long to finally say it."

She held the necklace out to me. "Help me put it on?"

I stood behind her and watched as she moved her hair to the side, exposing her porcelain skin. I carefully connected the clasp and bent down placing a gentle kiss on her neck. "I love you, Ali."

A/N: Holy moly! So many new readers! My heart is so full! 🥰 I hope that you all are enjoying the story so far. Please feel free to leave comments, so we can connect! -Xo ❤️

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