001 - Welcome to Hawkins

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"Hey kiddo! How was your flight?" Dave asked, pulling me into a bear hug and opening the passenger side door of his beat-up Chevy truck. He had been waiting at the airport to pick me up, and I instantly realized how much I had missed him. He was just so easy to be around.

Dave was a few years younger than my mother, although time seemed to have treated her kinder. Maybe it was just the skincare. They both shared the same brunette hair, hazel eyes, and a slim build. Genetics I seemed to have missed out on. He had a scruffy appearance but somehow, made it look good.          

We drove past the familiar faded brown "Welcome to Hawkins" sign, and reality finally began to set in. The familiar tightness in my throat made another appearance.   

We pulled into the driveway of Dave's small, single-family home. It was painted white and had a quaint front porch with rocking chairs and a swing. I was reminded of all the memories there, my younger self reading on the swing while music wafted from the open windows.          

"So, I got the spare room cleaned out for you," Dave explained as we walked through front door. "I left a record player and few crates in there that I thought you might want to look through. Whatever you don't want just sit by the door and I'll take them back to the shop." My uncle owned the local music shop here in town, Dave's Records. I know, how original.        

I threw my duffel bag down on the bed and glanced around the room that would temporarily be mine. It wasn't the biggest, but it did have a nice window seat, lots of natural light, and its own connecting bathroom.   

Thank God.         

"Hey, I know it isn't ideal to spend so much time with your crazy uncle but try and make yourself at home, okay?" Dave said as he nudged my shoulder.        

"Thanks Dave." I replied with a slight grin "I really do appreciate you letting me crash your party for the rest of the school year."        

"It's not a big deal, Ali. You know you've always been welcome here." He began walking towards the door. "Oh yeah, my girlfriend Melissa and her daughter are coming over tonight for dinner. She's about your age, so maybe she can help you feel a little more comfortable and show you around school tomorrow."        

Right, school.

My stomach curled in on itself.        
"I've got to run to the shop for a few hours. I left the number on the pad next to the phone. Call me if you need anything." He gave me a small grin and closed the door behind him.

I let out the sign that I'd been holding all day and walked over to a crate of records. Thumbing through until I found one that caught my eye. I slid the record out the sleeve, placing it on the turntable. David Bowie – Changes started playing through the speakers. 

How fitting.


It was about 6pm when I heard a knock at the front door. I sat my book down and made my way into the living room where I was unexpectedly greeted by an overly excited girl. She was slightly taller than me, with a dirty blonde pixie cut and freckles that sprinkled across her pale skin.         
"Oh, hi I'm Robin, and this is my mom! Your uncle has told us all about you. Your 18, right? Me too! How was your flight? I've never really liked flying. It gives me the super scaries. I'm sure you're like totally used to it with all the moving you have done. Right? Oh geez, I'm sorry that was insensitive of me to say I'm—"        

Her mother cut her off. "Robin honey, let the girl speak." She grinned as she reached her hand out in introduction. "I'm Melissa, but you can call me Mel. I'm happy to finally meet you. You'll have to excuse my sweet Robin, she's easily excitable."         

I returned her handshake and grinned at the pair. "Pizza?" Robin shrugged with an apologetic smile on her face and a pizza box in her arms.

I like them already.       

We sat at the cramped table in the kitchen and ate from paper plates. I didn't mind, it reminded me of dinners with my mom in our tiny apartments. It felt comfortable... familiar.       

"So, Ali are you excited for school tomorrow?" Robin asked.        

I grimaced, "Excited is definitely not the word I'd use to describe it."        
"I get it, but don't worry. I'll show you where everything is and who knows, maybe we'll even have some classes together!" she said with her encouraging bright smile.         

That's true. I guess this time would be a little different. I've been 'the new girl' more times than I can count, but at least this time I'd know at least one familiar face.         

"Robin, why don't you ask Steve if he'd take Ali to school with you in the morning?" Melissa added.

"Oh no, that's not necessary! I have my skateboard. I don't want to be a bother." I insisted.         

Robin waved her hand, "Oh please, Steve 'The Hair' Harrington would love to meet you. After all, you are fresh meat!" she winked.        

I faked a gag and rolled my eyes "Well he sounds great."         

She laughed, "Seriously though it's on the way so it's no big deal" she encouraged, finishing off her slice of pizza.     

I knew that I wasn't going to win, so I agreed. We finished up dinner and spent the rest of the evening in my room. Robin did most of the talking, but only in effort to get to know me better.

She told me about her family, some of her other friends, and where she likes to hang out when she isn't working at the video store, Family Video. Apparently, she recently started working there with Steve after their previous job at the mall burned down.


"Robin, it's time to go honey." Mel called from the living room.        

"Alright Ali, I'll see you bright and early in the morning!" Robin chimed as she exited my room. "Try not to stress too much about it. It's just high school. It sucks, but at least you'll have me!" she teased.         

"Thanks Robin, I'll see you in the morning." I replied as I watched them leave.         

Robin didn't know me well enough yet to know that asking me not to stress was like asking me not to breathe. Completely and totally impossible.

A/N: I quickly wanted to add reference who I thought of when writing about Dave and Melissa. What do you all think? You can't tell me Drew isn't the perfect match for Robin's mom!!

 What do you all think? You can't tell me Drew isn't the perfect match for Robin's mom!!

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