024 - Friendsgiving

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"Do you think Mrs. Wheeler made her famous pumpkin pie?" Robin asked as I rang the doorbell.

I shook my head and laughed. "It's Thanksgiving, Robin. I think it'd be a sin if she didn't."

Nancy greeted us at the door. "Hey guys, come on in! Everyone else is downstairs, dinner will be ready soon" she added and quickly ran back to the kitchen to help her mother.

Thank God for Mrs. Wheeler. She was a killer homemaker and one hell of a cook. She and Nancy planned this entire thing. All we had to do was show up.

It felt a little rude not bringing a dish or offering my help, but Mrs. Wheeler insisted that we relax and enjoy ourselves. I think I discovered where Nancy got her need for perfection. It was in her blood.

Robin and I went downstairs to join the rest of the group. My heart squeezed when I saw Eddie already there, arguing with Steve about Star Wars.

"Come on man, there's no way Episode V is better than Return of the Jedi" Steve ranted.

Eddie pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration but softened when he noticed me. "There's my girl!" He beamed, hugging my waist, and kissing me sweetly. "You're just in time. I was just about to kick Harrington's ass."

"Oh please, Munson. Robin will you please explain to this guy why VI is clearly better than V?"

Robin laughed and plopped herself on the couch beside him. "No can do, my guy. You're both wrong. A New Hope is the obvious winner."

Eddie and Steve looked at each other and simultaneously laughed at her response. "Henderson, get over here and settle this" Eddie called over his shoulder to the group of younger kids standing across the room.

He pulled me over to his lap continuing his argument, while gently rubbing his fingertips across my back.

I fought every instinct not to close my eyes and lean into his touch. Just sitting on his lap was causing a reaction within me. There was something endearing about the way Eddie showed affection.

Mike, Dustin, and Will were adding their two cents to the debate. I quickly checked out of the conversation, looking across the room at two younger girls sitting under the staircase. Lucas sat close by them, twiddling his thumbs. The kid looked like he was having an existential crisis.

I didn't know much about the boy except what Eddie and Dustin told me. Apparently, he'd been taken in by 'the dark side' when he joined the basketball team. I guess that meant more time with Jason, and less time for Hellfire...which didn't make the group happy.

I felt bad for the kid, he genuinely seemed to be struggling with true happiness or popularity.

Poor guy.

Reluctantly, I left my comfortable position on Eddies lap and walked over to them. "Hey...Lucas, right?" I asked as I held my hand out in introduction to him.

He smiled brightly up at me. "Yeah, and your Eddie's girlfriend. Ali?"

That was the first time I'd heard someone other than Eddie call me that. My stomach fluttered. "Yeah, that's me." I replied, turning towards the two girls that sat beside him.

"Right, sorry. This is Max and that's El, she's Mikes girlfriend."

I gave them both a smile and a small wave. "Hi, it's nice to meet you."

Max was a pale skinned girl with bright blue eyes, freckles, and flaming red hair. El was slightly taller with dark brown eyes and sandy brown hair. They both returned my smile but stayed quiet. They seemed shy.

"Do you guys' mind if I hang out over here while the nerd heard battles it out?"

Both girls laughed and nodded in agreement. Eventually, they warmed up to me and we spent some time chatting.

El didn't talk much, but she did open up about her relationship with Mike and mentioned that her dad was the towns chief of police, Hopper. After she said his name, I realized I'd already met him. Unfortunately.

I chose to keep that story to myself.

Apparently, Max was fairly new in town also. She recently moved to Hawkins with her mom and stepbrother, who was tragically killed in a fire. The same fire that took out where Steve and Robin use to work.

As she continued talking to me, I noticed Lucas couldn't take his eyes off her. She too, would occasionally sneak a side glance of her own when she thought no one was watching. I got the idea they had a thing but were going through a rough patch.

"So, you skateboard right? I think I've seen you around town" Max asked.

I shook my head and released a small laugh. "I can ride a skateboard. I don't do tricks."

"Gotcha, well I can totally teach you. I've gotten pretty good over the last year" she offered.

"That sounds fun, Max. But I'll warn you, I'm a total klutz!"

I genuinely liked the pair. They were sweet and spunky, just like Robin. I could get used to hanging out with them.

Occasionally, I would glance over and catch Eddie staring. But his eyes didn't just look at me, they admired me. Each glimpse made my pulse quicken and my thighs press together. He was just so goddamn attractive.

We'd still only had sex that one time, but every day since by body ached for him. Craved him. I found myself hoping he felt the same way.

"Alright guys. Come and get it!" Nancy yelled from the top of the stairs.

Mike, Will, and Dustin, practically tore themselves apart trying to race each other up the stairs. The others filing in after them like civilized beings.

Eddie and I were the last two left in the basement. He stepped in front me, blocking the stairway. "Do you think they'd notice if I kept you down here for myself?"

I peered up into his silky brown eyes. "Oh, without a doubt. Nancy would never allow it."

"Damn." He sighed, tracing the outline of my collarbone through my shirt. "I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you are."

Jesus Christ. I melt.

"You're pretty handsome yourself, Munson." I replied, tugging at the hem of his shirt.

He leaned down and planted a soft, sensual kiss on my lips. His scent filled my nose, and his curls tickled the sides of my face. My knees began to feel weak, and I gripped the handrail for support. I slowly pulled away and took a deep breath.

"Come on, I hear Mrs. Wheeler made her famous pumpkin pie." I urged, intentionally brushing my body past his.

"I'd rather have you." He smirked, slowly licking his bottom lip.

My breath hitched and cheeks turned.

Oh my. I was not expecting that.

"Then I guess you better save room for dessert, huh?" I teased, gently running my thumb across his wet lip.

Eddie gave a sexy laugh and playfully pitched my butt, chasing me up the rest of stairs.

My friends and I sat around the table, enjoying the massive amount of delicious food. Dustin got a pea stuck up his nose, Eddie put it there, and Robin ate her weight in pumpkin pie.

We laughed until my stomach ached, and my voice cracked. I couldn't remember a time in my life where I'd been so happy.

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