003 - Kneecaps

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Robin led me through the doors and down the hall to her locker. We agreed to meet there once I was done in the office or after my first class, whichever came first. Then she dropped me off at the office, gave me a quick hug, and ran to class.

I walked into the office, nothing really standing out of the ordinary. The woman at the desk was a thin elderly woman with twice as much hair spray as Steve, her red lipstick already starting to bleed into the wrinkles around her mouth. "How can I help you dear?"

"Yes, hi." I spoke nervously "My name is Allison Reed, today is my first day. I was told to come by to meet with the counselor and pick up some paperwork."

"Ah, yes." She replied, rummaging through a stack of paperwork on her desk. "Have a seat, and I'll let Ms. Kelley know that you're here. She's with another student right now."

I took a seat in one of the four chairs spaced against the walls of the office. The final bell had rung, announcements had been made, and I still hadn't been seen. My leg began to bounce at the thought of entering my first class late. The tightness in my chest growing rapidly.

I should not have had coffee for breakfast.

Twenty minutes had passed when a girl in a cheer leading uniform emerged from the closed door. She gave me a quick glance and a sweet smile before exiting the office.

"Hello Allison, please come in." The counselor spoke, leading me into her office and closing the door behind her. "So, welcome to Hawkins. How are things so far?"

"Well, I've only officially been here for one day, but so far so good" I assured her.

"That's what I like to hear" she smiled.

"It's school protocol for each new student to meet with the counselor to go over their schedule, credits, and any questions and concerns." She slid a couple of papers in my direction and began to review them. "It looks like most of your credits have transferred without issue, however you will need to pick up a couple elective credits to be eligible for graduation. I added in a list of those, as well as a map of the campus. Do you have any questions so far?" she asked.

I shook my head no in response, though my head was swarming.

She leaned back into her chair and took a deep breath. "Ah okay, now that all the formal mess has been addressed, how are you doing? Really." She looked at me with deep concerned eyes that complimented her olive skin and dark hair.

I was used to this bit. The poor new girl who's transfer record is the size of a small home loan. "I'm fine, honestly. I really enjoy being with my uncle, and I've already made a couple of friends."

"That's great! Allison, please know that I am here if you ever need a helpful hand or a listening ear" she beamed.

"Thank you, Ms. Kelley. Will that be all for this morning?" I practically begged. Her words felt genuine, but the look of pity on her face was making me uncomfortable.

I moved a lot, no one died.

"Yes, of course. Your first class doesn't end for another twenty minutes. You may still be able to make it if you hurry. Oh, and once you've decided on your electives just swing by and I'll add them to your record" she added.

I picked up my bag and the stack of papers and practically ran out of her office. I was so not going to that class. I'd find my locker, and then try to manage my way back to Robin before next period.

Deeply focused on attempting to read the map of the campus, I barreled through the doors and right into another person.

"Oh shit! I uh--I mean I'm sorry."

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