048 - Verdicts

794 37 17

Eddie's POV

"You're Honor, we'd like to call Miss Allison Reed to the stand" Ellie spoke.

Ali's eyes boar into mine. Sapphire pools of fear reflecting from them. I moved her hand to my lips, placing a soft kiss. "I'll be right here the whole time" I whispered.

Ali desperately clung to my hand until the inevitable distance forced us apart. At once, my body felt hollow without the warmness her presence. Watching her walk away felt like someone had torn my heart from my chest, maliciously hanging it just out of reach.

The same elderly man that approached Angela now stood before Ali. "Do you promise that the testimony you shall give in this case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"

"I do" she answered.

The Munson name didn't exactly sit well in the mouths of county officials. I'd been in this place more times than I could count, but not once had I felt this uneasy. I'd suffered in silence all week, refusing to add to Ali's stress. I knew there would come a moment in time when I could no longer shield her from him, the notion had been gradually ripping me apart for days.

The man left Ali, and Ellie promptly replaced him. "Good morning, Miss Reed. Before we begin, I'd like to thank you for your bravery. I know reliving your past trauma isn't an easy thing to do" the red head soothed. "Now, the incident reported by the school was not your first altercation with Mr. Carver. Is that correct?"

"Yes, that is correct" she replied, keeping her gaze firmly planted.

Ellie gave her a gentle smile. "Would you mind telling us a little more about that?"

"Uh—sure" Ail furrowed her fair brows, gathering her thoughts. "The night of the bonfire...the same one Angela spoke of" she paused, looking in the girl's direction. "I wasn't feeling very well, so I decided to go home. I'd been waiting for my boyfriend, Eddie to bring me some water. While he was gone Jason approached me. He made a pass at me, rubbing his hand on my thigh. I turned him down."

I felt my heart lurch for her, the invisible tie between us being pulled taught. I wasn't sure if it was from hearing her refer to me her boyfriend so effortlessly, or the details of what actually happened that night. I'd only saw him grab her, she never mentioned that he'd made a pass at her.

Ali's gaze fell to mine, those ocean eyes sending me a look that echoed an unnecessary apology. Scanning her perfect face with tender expression, I silently propelled every comforting thought I could muster towards her troubled mind.

It's okay, baby.
This was not your fault.
I'm right here, you're safe.

Ellie coolly placed her palm on the dark wooden rail, regaining Ali's attention. "And what happened after that?" she asked.

"Well," Ali sighed. "He insulted my appearance. I insulted his height and stood up to leave. As I did so he called me a...derogatory name and roughly grabbed ahold of my wrist. Luckily, that's when Eddie came back. He gave Jason the chance to apologize, but he wouldn't. Instead, he insulted me again, so Eddie punched him in the jaw. I'm assuming that's when Angela found him." she finished, swallowing hard.

"You bitch!"

"Is there a problem here?" I asked walking straight to Ali.

"Why don't you mind your business freak."

I stood in front of her, checking her over. Physically she looked fine, but there was a hint of pain in her eyes. The look she gave me caused my heart to crack. I handed her the bottle of water, lightly touched her cheek, and turned to Jason.

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