008 - Hungover

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I woke that morning to the sound of Robins snoring. By the time I made it out of the bathroom last night, she was passed out on the floor next to my bed. I put a pillow under her head, wrapped a blanket around her body, and brought my bathroom trash can close by just in case.        

I sat up on the other side of the bed letting my feet dangle and groaned. My head felt like someone had rammed a railroad spike through my temples. I rubbed my eyes as I stood up and shuffled out of the room and into the kitchen.    

Coffee. I needed coffee.        

As I turned the corner, I met Dave. "Well Good Morning, or should I say Good Afternoon?"

I glanced to the clock on the wall. "Jesus. 2:00pm." I winced at the volume of my voice and held my fingers to the side of my head.        

Uncle Dave handed me a cup of coffee and two Tylenol, "Happy first hangover, Kiddo!" He laughed as he rubbed my shoulder and walked to the front door. "I've got to go back to the shop, but I'll be back home for dinner. Tell Robin to call Mel when she's ready to leave." I took a sip from the cup and waved goodbye to him.       

I sat on the couch, watching TV and drinking the rest of my coffee. Robin emerged from my room with my comforter wrapped around her body.

"Coffee and Tylenol are on the counter" I pointed. She groaned and shuffled to the kitchen.       

She made her way back and sat down next to me. "So, how did it go?" I asked her.       

"How did what go?" She asked with her eyes still closed.       

"Um hello, Vicki?"       

The mention of the girl's name caused her perked up. "Dude Ali, she's amazing. We talked all night. She told me all about her life and when I made jokes, she laughed. I mean really laughed!"       

"That's because you're hilarious Robin. I told you it would all work out" I said as I nudged her shoulder.

"And what about you? Do I need to pay Munson a visit with my clippers?" she teased.       

"Sorry, but no. He was a perfect gentleman."       

"So, nothing happened?" she asked with a suspicious look on her face.

I felt my cheeks flush, and I took a sip of my coffee. "No, we walked the corn maze, some guy scared me, I puked...twice, and then he took me home." I cringed in embarrassment remembering his shoes. "Oh, and he punched Jason for calling me a cow." I laughed. "Maybe you should pay him a visit instead."       

"What an asshole. You're a goddamn goddess Ali, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise" she winked.       

"If this is how goddesses are supposed to feel, I think I'd rather be a cow. I'm never letting you drag me to something like ever again. I feel like actual shit."      

"Cow shit?" Robin said and we both laughed.       

I wasn't really lying to Robin. I mean...nothing did happen. For a moment before that jackass scared me, I thought maybe Eddie was going to kiss me but maybe that was all in my head. Besides, did I want him to kiss me if he had a girlfriend?       


I made some buttered toast and eggs and we made plans to watch a movie at Steve's tomorrow. After Robin's mom picked her up, I spent the rest of the afternoon nursing my hangover and getting caught up on homework. I was finishing up when the phone rang. I thought I might be Dave saying he was going to be late.

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