013 - Just Sleeping

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I licked the chocolate from my thumb. "You've spoiled me tonight, Eddie Munson."

"I'd spoil you every night if you'd let me, Allison Reed" he replied finishing the last bite of his brownie.

Typically, I hated when people used my full name, but there was something sexy about the way Eddie said it.

"So, do you want to watch a movie or something?" I asked.

"Wait. You're not ready to go home?" He questioned with a bright grin, clearly surprised by my question.

"I think I can spare a couple more hours for you." I teased as I made my way to the couch. "That is, unless you want me to go home."

"Oh, I plan on never letting you go sweetheart." He admitted as he sat down beside me and flipped on the TV.

Eddie held his arm up, silently inviting me to move closer. Nervous to be so close to him again, I reluctantly moved my body to his.

Don't get me wrong, I wanted to be near him. It was just that unfamiliar warmth in my core I didn't trust. I was afraid of doing something I might regret tomorrow.

Almost as if he could sense my nervousness, he stroked my back with his fingertips. I instantly felt my body melt into his and quietly drifted to sleep.

The music from one of those awful infomercials woke me. My head was somehow now in Eddie's lap. He had one hand on my shoulder and the other tangled in my hair. His head was resting on the back of the couch, as he let out soft snores.

I glanced at the watch on his wrist. 12:00 am. I sat up and gently rubbed his arm.

"Eddie, hey wake up. We fell asleep. I really should go home now." I said, stretching my tight arms.

He looked at his watch while rubbing the back of his neck. I knew it had to be killing him. "It's late. Why don't you just stay here?" His voice was raspy with sleep, somehow making him sexier. "I'll sleep out here, and you can take my bed" he suggested, pointing in the direction of his room.

"Uh—I don't know, Eddie."

"Why not? Isn't Dave at Melissa's for the night?" he asked.

How did he know that?

"Yes, but what about your uncle?"

He waved his hand, dismissing my comment. "He doesn't care. Plus, he'll be so tired when he gets off that he won't even notice."

I quietly considered his offer. I honestly did hate sleeping at Dave's alone. It was just too quiet. "Fine, but I'm not kicking you out of your own bed. Come on." I insisted, grabbing him off the couch and pulling him down the hallway.

"Yes ma'am" he teased with a playful grin and a tiny salute.

"Easy Munson, we're just sleeping"

He smiled back at me before walking into his room. "I'm only kidding, sweetheart."

As he flipped the light on, a smile unexpectedly formed on my face. This was without a doubt Eddie Munson's bedroom. There were rock posters all over the walls, a large stereo in the corner with piles of records and cassettes everywhere. The dresser had a couple of pictures of the Hellfire boys, a jar of guitar pics, and an ashtray. It was messy, but not dirty.

I walked up to his guitar hanging on the wall, and carefully ran my fingers across the strings.

"She's pretty." I giggled as I turned to face him.

"Not as pretty as you" he smiled.

I walked over to his bed and bit my lip. I was starting to feel nervous again. I didn't want him to get the wrong idea.

Maybe I should ask him to take me home.

"Are you sure you don't want me to sleep on the couch?" Eddie asked still standing across the room. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. Hell, I'll even take you home if that's what you really want." He offered, searching my face for any trace of doubt.

I let out a breath. "Don't be silly, Eddie. I trust you."

He smiled and walked over to where I was standing, wrapping his arms around me. His touch taking over and easing any remaining fear I may have had. "You can absolutely trust me, Ali."

He pulled away and walked over to his dresser, tossing a pair of sleep pants to me, and picking something for himself. "I'll go change in the bathroom, just open the door when you're done so I know that you're finished" he said, walking out closing the door behind him.

I slipped into the sleep pants and opened the door. Before he walked in again, I crawled into Eddies bed, laying my head on his pillow, and pulling the covers up to my nose. I blushed as he stood in the doorway smiling at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm just enjoying the sight of you snuggled in my bed. You look cute." He stood there another moment before making his way over to me and sitting down on the bed. There was such a large gap between us I knew he had to be hanging off.

I sighed and pulled him closer. "Just because we're just sleeping doesn't mean we can't be close." I joked while laying my head on his chest.

He relaxed beneath me, leaned to turn off the bed side lamp, and kissed the top of my head. "Goodnight, sweetheart."

"Goodnight Eddie."

As I laid there surrounded by his sexy scent and the heat from his body against mine and released a sigh.

Just sleeping, Ali.

Eddie's POV

It had taken Ali about thirty seconds to fall asleep on my chest. I gently played with her hair and enjoyed the soft little breaths that escaped from her lips.

It felt like I was in one of the many dreams I'd had about her. I couldn't believe she agreed to have dinner with me, much less spend the night in my bed. I didn't mind that we were just sleeping. I'd just do this every night if it meant I'd feel this happy.

Earlier this afternoon, I caved and told Dave what happened. After reminding me what a complete moron I was, he reluctantly gave me advice. He mentioned he would be out with Melissa tonight, and what Ali's favorite meal was.

I was so anxious fixing the food, I nearly burnt the trailer down in the process. All I could think about was, "What if she says no?"

Then I'd have a broken heart and left-over spaghetti.

To my surprise she'd said yes, and dear god did she look beautiful doing it. I was a sucker for Ali in jeans, and I loved the way her hair hung around her perfect face whenever she wore it up.

I struggled the entire ride to the trailer park with the urge to pull over and give her the kiss I'd been trying to give her since the bonfire.

I nearly lost it when she walked out in my t-shirt. I had to hold on to the countertop to keep from jumping her.

How could she be so effortlessly sexy?

She was driving me wild. I had to get her out of that trailer before I begged her to let me take her to my bedroom. I didn't want to come on too strong, and I definitely didn't want to fuck up my second chance.

I felt like a goddamn loser when I explained to her how that night went. After all, she was the one locked in a bathroom, not me. But then she touched me, and I knew all was forgiven.

I shivered thinking of the way her body fit so perfectly against mine. Like two puzzle pieces finding their match.

And her kiss...our first kiss. Fuck. Her lips were so soft and sweet. I'd commit a felon just to feel them again. Jesus Christ when she ran her hands into my hair, it nearly sent me to my edge. Just one kiss and I was coming completely undone.

She's perfect.

Just the feeling of her laying on me now was causing a reaction within me. She had her head on my chest and her leg slightly hiked over mine. The pressure and warmth of her body was making me hard. I shifted my hips, so they weren't touching her and let out a small groan.

We're just sleeping, Munson.

I took a deep breath, focused on her breathing, and reluctantly drifted to sleep.

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