045 - Fashionably Late

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Thankfully, I'd thought ahead and had Eddie bring a change of clothes for the party. We squelched our way into the house and straight to the bathroom, sopping wet but smiling from ear to ear.

I tossed Eddie a towel of his own and to his surprise, I began to shed my green gown and dress letting it fall to the floor. His chocolate eyes marveled, mouth agape revealing I'd been bare beneath it.

"What?" I giggled. "You never asked what I had on under the dress."

He clicked his tongue, wagging his finger at me. "Not nice, princess."

I watch those same chocolate eyes darken as he pressed his way closer to me. I felt my pulse begin tingle against my skin. One look from this man, and I'd turned to putty in his tender hands.

"E—Eddie" I stumbled "We're already running late."

The rough stubble from his appearing shadow tickled my neck as he purred "Then what's an extra thirty minutes?"

He reached the sensitive spot behind my ear, and I lost all reserve. I lowered my head, allowing full access. Eddie's velvet lips in contrast to the bristly stubble sent chills across the skin he softly nipped. My lips parted as I felt his cold rings against my breast, and the warmth of his tongue on the other.

A small pant slipped from between my lips as he dipped down, grasping my thighs, and sitting me on the cool counter. He removed his mouth from my chest leaving behind sharp, needy peaks, and peered down at me. He watched as my chest began to move rapidly, my hands tearing at the hem of his shirt. Recognizing my plea, he slowly removed the saturated fabric.

I relaxed against the mirror, admiring every feature. The way his wet curls hung softly around his face and shoulders, the black ink that complemented the fair tone of his flawless skin, the lean muscle in this torso that led to the well-defined 'V' at his hips. I bit my lip, feeling my center tighten.

"Keep lookin' at me like that, and we aren't making to make it to that party" Eddie rasped.

I smirked, raising from the mirror to run my hands up his chest and over his shoulders. I felt his body shudder beneath my palms. Eddie lowered a heavy hand to the small of back, pressing our bare chests against each other. His lips hovered close to mine, teasing me with the heat of his breath. 

"Now look who's not being nice" I whined.

He peered down at me, a tilt of his jaw separating our lips. "You're right, sweetheart" he whispered. "I'm sorry" he added, pressing two ringed fingers into my center.

I gasped, releasing a loud moan at the unexpected friction. Eddie slid his fingers, curved in an upright position, hitting the right spot repeatedly. I dung my nails into his chest feeling the knot in my abdomen start to tighten.

"Eddie, you're gonna make me come" I moaned, grinding my hips against the palm his hand. He pressed his plush lips into my neck and used his free hand to tease at my nipple.

I felt him add his thumb into the rhythm, dancing itself across my clit. Suddenly, everything snapped. I rode out the high with Eddie planting soft, wet kisses across my collarbone.

When he's sure I finished, he removed his fingers and carefully placed them into my mouth. I recoiled, stunned by the abrupt action. Looking into his needy eyes, pupils blow into onyx I wanted nothing more than to please him. Holding his gaze, I grabbed his hand, and slowly lick each finger clean.

Eddie bit his lower lip and hummed. "Bend over" he growled, unbuckling his belt.

I'm certain my eyes widened, and skin flushed at the command, but I obeyed. Sliding off the counter and turning to lean against it. I watched Eddie's reflection as he stood back, admiring my body bent over and ready.

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