043 - Dungeon Master

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I didn't understand my nervousness. I knew the Hellfire guys. I sat with them nearly every day at lunch. So why the hell did I feel like I was going to be sick?

Eddie has begged me a million and one times to come to Hellfire, but I was always hesitant. Not because I thought it'd be nerdy or boring, I was simply intimidated. I knew little to nothing about the game, and it was Eddie's thing. I didn't want to get in the way of that.

There was only one full week left of school, and this was Eddie's last campaign of the year. I owed it to him to see him in action one final time as Dungeon Master at Hawkins High.

I wanted to dress for occasion, but not look like I was trying too hard. I decided on a faux leather shirt, black tights, Docs, and my honorary Hellfire shirt Eddie made for me. I tied my hair back into a low bun, pulling a few strands loose to give it a messier look.

I stood in front of my floor length mirror tugging at the hem on my shirt. Looking up, I noticed Eddie's reflection standing in the doorway staring back at me. He was leaning against the door frame, arms crossed, and lower lip pressed between his teeth.

"Take a picture, Munson. It'll last longer" I teased.

Eddie chuckled lowly, bringing his hands into the shape of a camera, and imitating the sound of a flash.

"Damn, you're hot" he purred.

"Is it too much?"

He scoffed and moved closer to me. "Are you kidding?" he asked, grabbing my hand, and spinning me around to get the full view of the outfit. "I'm going to have to beat Gareth off with a stick" he teased.

I rolled my eyes and pulled away from him. "I should definitely change then. You don't have many friends as it is."

Eddie quickly caught me by the waist, gripping my hips tightly. He smelled like tobacco and clean musk. "Absolutely not" he murmured into my lips.


"The guys love you, Ali...probably more than they like me" Eddie admitted, pulling into the parking lot of the school. "There's no reason to be nervous. After all, they're your friends too."

The thought made my chest warm and did in fact, help to ease my nerves. "I don't want to be in your way, Ed's" I mumbled, picking at the chipping black and red pain on my nails.

Eddie placed his fingers under my chin, moving my eyes to his. "Allison Reed, when have I ever made you feel like you were in the way?" His tone was soft, but serious. I all but melted into the pools of molten chocolate staring back at me.

"No... You're right, I'm sorry" I sighed.

He released my chin, and I felt his calloused fingertips graze my thigh, stopping just shy of my panty line. "The only thing you need to be sorry for is how distracting you are in this skirt" he murmured.

I tensed at the unexpected contact, waves of electricity running to my core. "You're the one that wouldn't let me change."

Eddie leaned in closer. I could smell the cigarettes and lingering mint from his breath as he ran his thumb across my lower lip. "Oh, it's a welcomed distraction, sweetheart" he whispered, placing a soft kiss on my lips.

I felt my entire body ignite, his touch lighting a wildfire of lust within me. I relaxed, giving into the heat just as he pulled away. "Let's go. The boys get rowdy if I'm late."

I sighed, blowing my bangs out of my face. "Tease."

He threw his head back laughing as he led me to the drama room. As we entered the dimly lit room I was engulfed with the sounds of cheers, and laughter. In almost an instant, my previous anxieties were washed away by the familiar sound.

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