014 - Sweet Dreams

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I straddled Eddie on the couch, fighting for dominance with my tongue. He moaned my name as I ran my fingers through his hair. The sound alone threatened to send me over the edge. Eddie moved his hands to squeeze my thighs. The coldness of his rings sent shivers across my body. I let out a soft gasp between his kisses, tilting my head back to give him access to my neck.

He picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, and carried me to his room. Trailing soft wet kisses down my throat, he gently sat me on his bed and began to undress himself. Watching him sent an ache between my thighs, causing me to squeeze them together. Noticing, he smirked and smiled down at me.

"Tell me what you want, sweetheart."

"I want you, Eddie"

"Ali...Ali..." I felt a hand on my shoulder gently shaking me. I opened my eyes to Eddie hovered above me in bed. "Are you okay? Were you having a dream?"

I blinked my eyes slowly coming to the sad realization that it was all a dream.

"Kiss me, Eddie" I whispered.

He raised his brows and briefly hesitated, but slowly brought his face closer to mine. I could feel the heat of his breath and my core ached. He stared deeply into my eyes before gently pressing his lips to mine.

His kiss was the spark that ignited the wildfire of lust that ran through my body. I moved my hands to his neck and into his hair. He gave me a growl of approval into my lips and with one smooth movement had me on top of him.

I straddled him just as I had in my dream. My entire body burned for him. Eddie was so overcome with pleasure that I could feel his length between my thighs. He pulsed, causing me to gasp, opening my mouth and allowing him access to my tongue.

The sounds he released had me coming completely unraveled. We were just kissing and the feeling between my legs was stronger than anything I'd ever felt. I wanted him...needed him.

But I wasn't ready.

I gently ended our kiss and laid my head on his chest. I could hear that his heart was beating just as fast as mine and his breathing just as ragged.

"I'm sorry, Eddie" I whispered.

He sat up and carefully helped me off his lap. The sudden rush of adrenaline made my body feel weak. He turned to look at me and used his hand to cup my cheek. "Don't you dare apologize, Ali. I want you to be comfortable with anything that we do. When I said you could trust me, I meant it."

A sudden wave of guilt washed over me. "Are you sure? I—I shouldn't have asked you to do that."

"Ali, I've been fighting that battle all night. I was just trying to be a gentleman." he smiled and placed a small peck on my nose before sliding out of the bed.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm making you some coffee, and then I should probably get you home before Dave realizes you were with me all night." he grinned. "I'll be out here when you're ready." He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Frustrated with myself, I sighed heavily before climbing out of the bed and putting my jeans back on. I walked into the kitchen and Eddie had a cigarette hanging between his lips, pouring two cups of coffee.

Does he realize how sexy his is— just existing?!

"My sweater is still damp, do you mind if I wear this home?" I asked referring to the Metallica t-shirt he lent me last night.

He walked over handing me a warm cup, "Not at all. Why don't you just keep it" he smirked. "It looks better on you anyway."

I bit my lip and held the coffee up to my mouth, blowing it gently. "Thank you."

Eddie licked his bottom lip before taking a drink from his own. I felt a twitch in my core and instinctively crossed my legs.

You just had to stop him...idiot

"So, what are your plans for today?" he asked.

"Well, I told Robin that I'd visit her on her lunch break at the video store, but that's pretty much it." I said realizing how boring my social life sounded. "What about you?"

"I work a few hours this morning, and I have Hellfire this afternoon." He explained taking another drag from his cigarette "But, then I have a date tonight."

I choked and nearly spit out my coffee. "Oh yeah? Sounds like you have a busy day." I replied attempting to sound nonchalant while removing the metaphorical knife he had just stabbed into my chest.

"Yeah, this super-hot blonde I ran into at school last week. She practically took out my kneecaps" he joked with a grin.

I relaxed realizing he was talking about me and played along. "Poor girl. I'm sure you weren't watching where you were going. You really should pay more attention to your surroundings, Munson" I teased, shaking my head in disapproval.

He set his cup down on the counter and stepped closer to me. "Do you think I have a shot with her?" he asked with a smile.

I playfully tapped my finger on my chin. "Hm, I don't know." Eddie wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me closer to his body. "I'd say your chances are pretty good."

"God, I hope so." He replied softly pressing his lips to mine.

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