040 - Daffodils

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I'd spent the last two hours attempting to finish Romeo and Juliet for our English final. It was proving difficult being that I hate the book, easily one of Shakespeare's most overrated plays. A 'love story' that should never be romanticized. I'd been forced to read it a handful of times for school, each time just as infuriating as the last.

Dave was home tonight, so I felt safe enough to leave my window open. It was unseasonably warm for March in Indiana. The cool breeze felt nice, the reassurance that spring and new growth were just around the corner.

I resigned the reading and tossed the book to the end of the bed. I couldn't concentrate. I missed Eddie, but I refused to call the idiot. Not until he figured his shit out.

I didn't like fighting with him, but it hurt me to know that he thought so little of himself...and even worse that he assumed I felt the same. I went to the closet, slipping on Eddie's oversized Metallica t-shirt he gave me the first night I stayed at the trailer. I lifted the collar to my nose and took in his scent.

Shit, should I just call him?

As I began to walk towards the phone, I heard faint shuffling outside the window. I froze, breathing accelerated. The shuffling began to get louder as I moved to my bookshelf, grabbing the heaviest novel I owned. Just as I braced myself to swing, I saw his ringed hand reach through.

"God damnit, Munson. I almost decked you" I whisper yelled.

He grunted pulling himself through the small space and landing loudly with two feet on the hardwood. "You're the one who left the window open, sweetheart" he replied cockily.

"Shh! Will you keep it down?! If Dave hears you, you're gonna wish it was me that knocked you out" I scolded, pressing my palm to his lips.

Eddie simply licked my hand and gave me his biggest shit eating grin. I rolled my eyes, wiping the saliva on his shirt. He chuckled and revealed a handful of freshly picked yellow daffodils from behind his back that he no doubt stole from someone's yard.

I smiled, melting into the wet stain on his chest. "Damn it, I can't stay mad at you. "

He held on to me tightly as inhaled the fresh scent of the flowers. "That's what I was counting on. I am sorry though, Ali."

"You're forgiven." I replied, placing the flowers into glass of water I'd been drinking.

Eddie walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Nice shirt, by the way" he purred.

I playfully scoffed and tugged at the hem of the worn fabric. "Oh, this old thing? Yeah, some guy gave it to me...I can't really remember his name though" I taunted, tapping my finger to my chin. "Edgar...No, Edwin maybe?"

He leaned down and nuzzled into my neck peppering small kisses behind my ear. It was difficult to keep up the
charade. He knew that was my sweet spot. "Mmhm. Well, whoever he is, he has great taste" he replied in a husky tone.

I turned my body to face him and ran my fingers to the nape of his neck and into his hair, his sweet spot. I felt Eddie's chest vibrate in response as he let out a low groan. "Yeah, well he's kind of an idiot" I teased, dropping my hands, and strutting back to the bed.

I crawled in, propping myself against the headboard. Noticing he had already removed his leather jacket and boots, I bit my lip as he moved to the hem of his shirt. Eddie laughed and made his way over to the bed. I averted my eyes, attempting to pay attention to anything other than the beautifully breathtaking human standing in front of me.

"Don't be shy, sweetheart. It's okay to look."


"Ugh. He's kind of a tool, too" I continued with our previous conversation.

Eddie Munson - Novel LikeWhere stories live. Discover now