011 - The Breakfast Club

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I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I looked like shit. I had bags under my eyes, even with the concealer I had added in attempt to cover them. My eyes were slightly bloodshot, and my chest was still tight with lingering anxiety.

Dave came in after everyone left and told me that Chrissy admitted to them what really happened. He offered to let me stay home for a couple of days, and as tempting as that sounded, I couldn't do it. I wasn't going to give Jason the satisfaction of thinking he got to me, so I put on my big girl panties and got ready for school.

I'm assuming Dave told Melissa what happened, she told Robin, and that led to Steve calling threatening to beat Jason with a bat. He practically begged me to let him drive me to school, but I declined. I just wanted to be alone. It was better that way.

When I walked into school, I was bombarded by Robin asking question after question at one hundred miles a minute. I knew she meant well, but I just didn't have the energy to deal with it.

"I'm fine Robin, really" I replied trying to convince both her and myself. "I've got to go grab some things out of my locker before first bell." I didn't give her a chance to say anything else and quickly walked away.

I turned the corner to my locker and saw Eddie standing in front of it. I rolled my eyes, let out a heavy sigh, and walked up to him. "Excuse me." I muttered as I tried to push past him.

"Uh-How are you feeling?" he asked.

"What do you care?" I fumed as I dug through my locker.

"Ali, come on. Don't be like that."

I let out a sarcastic laugh. "Just leave me alone, Eddie."

"Ali, talk to me. Chrissy told— "I cut him off. I didn't need a play by play of him and Chrissy.

"Stop, I'm fine" I snapped, holding my hand up and not meeting his eyes.

I knew the look he'd be giving me would cause me to cave. "I won't be at work today, so I don't need a ride" I muttered as I slammed the door to my locker.

As I turned to walk away, Eddie caught my hand.

"Ali, wait."

I paused for a moment, his cold rings sending chill bumps up my arm. The effect that would normally have my knees weak, instead just made me mad. I pulled my arm free and stormed to class.

I was having a hard time processing my emotions. I was pissed at Jason, but I was even more hurt by Eddie. It should have been him opening the bathroom door. It should have been him driving me home and explaining to Dave and Hopper what happened. At the very least it should have been me he was holding while I cried into his chest, not her.


By the end of the day, I had tried my best to move on. Eddie and I were just friends after all. I wasn't his girlfriend. He could hug whomever he wanted, at least that's what I'd been trying to convince myself. I walked into my bedroom and picked up the phone.
It rang twice. "Hello?"

"Hi, momma."

"Oh Ali, it's so good to hear your voice. How have you been?"

I guess Dave hadn't told her about the bathroom incident. Thank God. "I'm okay."

"Just, okay?" concern gathering in her voice.

"Yeah, just friend drama" I laughed softly. "Relationships are hard."

She paused and released a small sigh. "Ali, honey loneliness is harder" she replied gently. "You can't live your life through the relationships in your books."

It sounded harsh, but she meant well. We'd had this conversation countless times before. She'd always encourage me to make friends in our new home, no matter how long we planned to be there.

"I know mom" there was a knock at the front door. "I got to go, someone's here. I just wanted to check in. I love you."

"I love you too honey."

I opened the door to Steve holding a stack of movies and Robin with Chinese takeout.

"Surprise!" they chimed. I couldn't help but smile as I let them in.

"We figured you could use some cheering up" Robin explained.

Steve sat the stack of movies down on the counter and wrapped his arms around me. I froze at first but relaxed realizing it was exactly what I needed. I welcomed his embrace and hugged him tightly back. "Thank you, Steve. I needed that."

"Anytime" he replied as he kissed the top of my head. "So, we brought a few different options for you to pick from. All chick flicks."

I chose The Breakfast Club, one because I hadn't seen it, and two because I kind of wanted to see Steve cry.

We sat in the living room eating Chinese and laughing at Steve's failed attempts to mimic Judd Nelsons dance moves. He eventually tired himself out and fell asleep, leaving just Robin and I left to clean up the mess.

"Thanks for tonight Robin" I said as I put the leftovers into the refrigerator. I knew Dave would appreciate those later.

"Hey, what are friends for." she replied. "So, do you want to talk about it?"

"Not much to talk about really, Jason's a prick."

"That's not really what I was talking about."

I furrowed my brows. "What do you mean?"

"I mean Eddie" she answered.

The mention of his name felt like a knife to my gut. "Oh. What about him?" I stammered.

"Nothing. I just saw you two at your locker today, it looked...messy. Are you guys dating?"

"No, uh-well actually I'm not sure" I answered truthfully. "Whatever it was, it's over now."

"I see. Well, are you okay with that?"

'Loneliness is harder' I repeated my mom's words in my head.

I realized Robin was truly my first real friend, I could talk to her. I unpacked everything that had happened in Hawkins with her, and as I did, I felt a weight lift from my shoulders.

"Damn, dude" was all she could manage when I had finished.

I let out a laugh so loud it woke Steve. "What did I miss?" he grumbled as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

Maybe having friends wasn't so bad after all.

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