020 - Girl Talk

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"Seriously dude, scoot over!" Robin yelled at Steve.

"Oh, didn't I tell you? Losers eat on the floor" he smirked, looking up at Robin from the couch.

She used her free hand to smack the back of his head. "Like hell I'm eating on the floor in my own house. Now scoot!"

The two of them made a bet on who could win at arm wrestling. Steve won, but I suspect it was only because Robin let him. She was definitely trying to preserve his macho man ego.

We were having another movie night, this time at Robin's. I slid Back to the Future into the VCR and walked over to my cheese pizza and bread sticks.

"Alright you two. Don't make me separate you." I playful scolded while willingly setting myself down in the floor in front of the coffee table.

We'd seen the movie multiple times, but in Steve's opinion it was a classic. I guess I didn't mind though, I really enjoyed our movie nights. We typically had them when Eddie had Hellfire.

He was really excited about tonight's campaign. Something about a Vecna. Admittedly, I still didn't fully grasp the whole concept of D&D, although I did try my best to keep up when he talked about it. He was just so passionate and lively when he bragged about the group. It was adorable, and honestly kind of sexy.

I heard snapping in my ears, "Hello, earth to Ali."

"Huh—What? Sorry." I apologized to Steve.

Robin laughed "Oh, leave her alone. She's busy daydreaming about her lover boy" she teased, wiggling her eyebrows and making kissing noises.

I threw a pillow at her. "Am not!"

"Right. How's that going, by the way?" Steve asked with his serious big brother face.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his protectiveness. Since the school bathroom incident, he and Robin have constantly worried about me. Robin won't leave my side at school unless I'm with Eddie.

Steve has made it abundantly clear that he thinks it's because of Eddie that they treat me the way they do, but I know it's really because I turned Jason down the night of the bonfire. I've tried my best to avoid him and his groupies as much as possible since then.

"Really great, actually. He asked me to be his girlfriend" I admitted, instantly feeling giddy like a schoolgirl swooning over her crush.

Robin gasped "Dude, really? That's great Ali. Ha, Nancy's going to be pissed I got the details before she did" she laughed and deviously rubbed her hands together.

"Speaking of Nancy" Steve repeated, standing up from his spot on the couch. "I'm going to go bug her, and silently beg her to come back to me."

Robin and I both gave him sympathetic looks. Steve told me all about their past relationship, and how bad he fucked it up.

I could tell he was still in love with her, and it broke my heart. Obviously, Nancy still had feelings for him too, otherwise she wouldn't have gotten so pissed at me when I first moved here. Just cut the shit already. Robin rubbed his shoulder before going to the kitchen.

Steve walked over to me and gently grasped my forearms. "Ali, promise me that if any of those bone head jocks bother you again, you'll tell me?"

"Weren't you one of those bone head jocks?" I teased.

He gave me a serious look. "Reed."

"Fine, I promise." It wasn't that I didn't appreciate their protectiveness. I just didn't like to think of myself as a burden they constantly worried about.

"Thank you" he said, hugging me tightly and leaving to find Nancy.

I grabbed our plates and empty glasses and walked into the kitchen. "Okay, now tell me everything!" Robin begged.

We spent the rest of the night talking in her room. She actually agreed to let me paint her nails if I'd tell her more about my night with Eddie.

I started by telling her what I heard at the party and that Chrissy apparently buys from Eddie.

"Wait...Chrissy Cunningham does drugs?" she asked with just as much disbelief as I did.

"Yeah, I guess. Eddie says she's got a lot going on at home, but don't tell anyone. I don't want to get them in trouble."

She nodded her head in agreement. "And you saw them what...hugging? Was it a friendly side hug or like full-frontal hug?" she emphasized her words, and I knew exactly what she meant.

I shrugged. "I don't know. It looked like more than a friendly hug, but he insisted that it was nothing."

"And do you believe him?"

"Yeah, I think so. I mean, he hasn't given me a reason not to trust him. Plus, everything he said lines up with everything that I heard between Jason and Chrissy" I answered.

She kept wiggling in her seat, and I quickly realized there was no way her nails were going to have time to dry before she messed them up. "What does your gut tell you?" she asked.

I thought about her question for less than a second before answering. "It tells me that I can absolutely trust Eddie" I answered confidently.

"How sweet. I'm jealous." she pouted. "Okay, then what happened?"

I then told her about running away from the party, passing out, and waking back up at Eddie's trailer.

"Ali, you really passed out over a little scrape?" she teased.

"Oh, shut it and stop wiggling. Do you want me to keep telling you the story or not?"

She paused her movements, smiling down at me. "Yes! Continue please. I live vicariously through you, remember?"

I shook my head. "Well, that's when he asked me to be his girlfriend, and then we you know..."

"Wait—what?! Why didn't you lead with that!" she practically screamed.

"Will you keep it down? Dave is right outside with your mom!"

"I'm sorry I just wasn't expecting that mind blowing bomb you just dropped on me" she laughed. "So how was it?"

I rolled my eyes and screwed the cap back on the nail polish. "Alight, I think that's enough story time for one night."

"Oh, come on." She pouted some more.

"Sorry Robin, I won't kiss and tell. But I will say that it was everything I could have hoped for and more" I blushed, and I thought about Eddie's gentle touch on my skin. "Oh yeah, and I finally got to meet his uncle, Wayne."

Robin stood up and hugged me with all her might. "I am so freakin' happy for you, Ali."

"Thanks Robin, but I uh— can't really breathe..."

"Oh sorry" she said, quickly releasing me from her choke hold. "Shit, I think I messed up your artwork" she gulped as she held up her freckled fingers smudged with dark blue nail polish.

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