004 - Dave's Records

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The rest of the school day was a blur, filled with note taking and homework planning. The semester started a couple of months ago, so I was slightly behind in some of my classes. Nothing I couldn't catch up on, but that meant I wouldn't be able to read as much as I normally did in my free time.

Reading was my escape, my way of blocking out the depressing reality around me and immersing myself into stories of other worlds. I could already feel my anxiety rising.        

The final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day and I let out a sign of relief. I did it. I made it through my first day without any mishaps.    

Well, unless you count nearly taking out the kneecaps of that beautiful boy...or getting caught staring at him not once, but twice.         

Okay, so maybe a couple mishaps.

Robin and I walked across the parking lot to where Steve parked his car. He was standing two cars down chatting with a group of attractive girls. They were playfully hitting, and practically drooling over whatever bullshit web he was spinning. It was both comical and nauseating all at the same time.    

Robin gagged and yelled in Steve's direction. "Hey Fabio, I don't mean to interrupt, but I have work in twenty." Steve gave her a mildly annoyed look but said his goodbyes and strutted back to the car.       

"Don't you think it's a little creepy for a guy who doesn't even go here to be lurking around the parking lot?" Robin teased.        

"Oh, please. I literally graduated like 6 months ago" Steve protested. "Plus, they were just asking me about the bonfire tomorrow night."       

"Bonfire? Don't you think that's a little risky with all that hairspray in your hair? That stuff is seriously flammable" I joked.       

Robin curled over laughing in the backseat as Steve smirked and started the car. "What is it with you and my hair, Reed? You secretly love it?"        

"Oh, it's no secret. I'm totally jealous of all that volume" I winked.        

Steve blushed "Well, all hair jokes aside. You should come after you guys finish at the festival."        

"Pretty please Ali!" Robin begged. "It'll be so much more fun if you're there. Steve always ditches me. There's going to be a corn maze and lots of booze!"        

"I don't know, I'm not much of a party goer" I grimaced. Truth was, I was never invited to a party before.    

"Oh, come on Ali, it will be good for you! You may even make more friends, or even lovers" she wiggled her eyebrows.        

"Okay, I'll go if you promise to never say that again" I joked.       

"Deal!" she reached out her hand for me to shake in agreement.       

We pulled into the parking lot of Family Video, and Robin made her exit. "See you guys tomorrow morning!"       

I suddenly became very aware that it was only Steve and I in the car, and my palms began to sweat. I didn't really know this guy. Hopefully he doesn't kidnap me and take me to his abandoned cabin in the woods.        

I've been reading too much thriller.        

Steve broke the silence to ask me about my day. We talked about my classes and what I thought about my teachers. I filled him in on all the details...minus the mystery boy. Before long, we were pulling into the record store lot.

"See, I knew you had nothing to worry about." He put the car in park and turned to look at me.

"So, I was thinking... maybe we could go see a movie sometime?"        

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