007 -Dirty Sneakers (Eddies POV)

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Eddie's POV

I made my way out of the corn maze. I'd gone through the damn thing three times trying to find her. I wasn't even sure that she'd be here, but I overheard Robin and Nancy talking about coming. I'd hoped maybe she would tag along. I looked around one more time and spotted Nancy with a guy by the fire, and Robin talking to a girl whose name I couldn't remember. I guess she wasn't here.

Damn. I guess it wasn't a complete loss. I did manage to make a couple sales.

I walked over to where all the booze was. I could at least grab a couple free beers before I left. That's where I saw her, standing by herself pouring a drink.

She was wearing tight jeans, and a loose flannel with a snug fitting shirt that teased me with a glimpse of her bare skin. It complimented every inch of her curvy body.

Fuck she looks good.

"Didn't really peg you as a tequila type of gal" I joked, walking up to her.

"Yeah, well I didn't really peg you as the party type, yet here we are." I saw her smile between sips.

"You got me there." I replied, reaching past her to grab a beer out of the cooler. I was so close to her that I could see the reflection of the fire in her eyes. Her bright, beautiful, ocean blue eyes. "I don't usually come to stuff like this, but I figured I'd stop by and try and make a few sales."

I took a drink of the beer, and as I looked back down, she was staring at me. I began to feel a little self-conscious, but then I realized she was looking at my lips. Something foreign stirred inside of me.

The fuck was that?

I'd felt it only once before when we met eyes in the cafeteria. "So, does Dave know you're out here all alone?"

"Uh-no. I mean yes." she shook her head as if she were shaking out cobwebs. How much had she had to drink? "Yes, Dave knows I'm here, but I'm not alone. Robin and Steve are around here somewhere" she glanced over her shoulder.


Prick, she would be with him.

"Yeah, why?"

"Just curious, and they had the nerve to leave you all alone?"

Maybe they're just friends. I mean, he's nowhere around.

"Well not really, I guess I'm kind of the third wheel, or maybe it's the fifth. I'm not really sure." She giggled and I realized how much I liked the sound.

"I guess that means I get you all to myself then." I said reaching out to slowly tuck a piece of hair that had fallen behind her ear.

I hadn't meant to do that. My body took over my mind and I was no longer in control.

She met my eyes. "Lucky you."

I felt that unfamiliar feeling again as she continued to stare. I found myself imagining what her full lips would feel like. How her tongue would taste.

God, what I would do to taste her.

I gently pulled my hand away and took a step back. "So, have you been through the corn maze yet?" I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. I was a gentleman after all.

She paused for a moment but replied. "No, Robin was supposed to take me, but I think she's... Uh- I mean she must has got distracted." She looked around frantically like she was trying to find her.

Eddie Munson - Novel LikeWhere stories live. Discover now