009 - Twenty Questions

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Eddie wasn't at school again today. While I hoped everything was okay, I was equally annoyed because he was my ride to the record store.

Luckily, I had my board because Steve couldn't drop us off this morning.

I shoved my books into my locker and made my way to the parking lot. As I walked outside, I saw Eddie waiting by his van. He hadn't noticed me yet, and I took as an opportunity to stare.

He wore a pair of ripped blue jeans, black boots, and a slim fitted black long sleeve shirt. The sleeves were pushed up to his elbows, exposing his tattoos and veiny arms. I watched as he propped his slim body against the side of the van, twisting the ring around his middle finger.

He looked...nervous?

Once he noticed me, the smile that grew across his face made my breath catch. He was seriously 'take your breath away' beautiful. I couldn't help but return his contagious smile.
"There she is!" he beamed.

"Hey you." I replied softly.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Oh, as I'll ever be."

He opened the passenger side door, closing it gently behind me. "I'm definitely happy to see you. I thought I was going to have to ride my board all the way there." I confessed as I buckled my seat belt.

He grinned so deeply his dimples appeared. "I'm happy to see you too, sweetheart."

I'm going to jump his goddamn bones if he keeps calling me that.

"So where were you today?" I asked.
"I had a late night after the show" he answered as he lit a cigarette and held it to his lips. "Why, did you miss me?" he smirked.

I blushed and looked down at his hand on the gearshift as he put the van in reverse. "Speaking of, how was your show?" I questioned, intentionally avoiding his question.

The answer was hell yes, but how could you miss something you've never had.

The question distracted him, and his eyes lit up. "Fucking awesome! You really missed a good one Ali. We rocked that shit."

I smiled over at him. "When do you play again? I'd love to come next time."

"In a couple of weeks. I'll give you plenty of notice so you can add me to your busy schedule" he teased.

I playfully smacked at his arm. "Oh stop. We had a movie night at Steve's" I explained. "But honestly, I would have had a much better time with you. They forced me to watch some god-awful horror movie...if you can even call it that." I shivered.

He finished his cigarette and put the butt in the ashtray. "Not a horror fan I assume?"

I shook my head vigorously, "Don't you remember the corn maze? You're lucky I didn't pee myself! I don't like being scared and I don't do blood. One drop and I'm out cold. I could never do what my mom does. She's a freaking superhero."

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind" he laughed.

There was a bit of silence before he started playing with his rings again. It seemed he did that a lot when he was nervous.

"So, you play guitar, right?" Instinctively I reached my hand towards the pic hanging from his necklace, stopping myself just short of touching it.

"Uh—Yeah. Yeah, I play a little" he stammered.


"That amazing. I've always wanted to learn how to play an instrument, but we moved around so much I never had time to take lessons."

Eddie Munson - Novel LikeWhere stories live. Discover now