027 - AV Room

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A/N: Please be advised this chapter includes depictions of an event that suggest sexual assault. Although non graphic and brief, it may be considered triggering to some readers.  

I sat at the foot of my bed feeling hopeless and incredibly heartbroken. My mother was still talking into the receiver, but everything turned to static once I'd heard she wasn't going to make it to Hawkins for Christmas.

"Ali, honey. Are you still there?"

I blinked, pulling myself back together. "Yeah mom, I'm here."

"I'm sorry baby girl. I truly wish there were another way." Her voice began to crack, and I knew she was on the verge of tears.

"Oh, come on Mom don't cry. It's only one Christmas. Maybe you'll be able to visit another time."

As upset as I was that would be spending the holidays without her, I was used to playing this part. Levelheaded and reasonable, while my mother tended to be much more chaotic and emotional. We balanced each other out, although I often wished our roles were reversed.

She sniffed and cleared her throat. "You're right honey. I've got to get going. My shift is starting soon. Catch Dave up for me, and I'll talk to you later. I love you, Ali."

"I love you too, Mom."

I placed the phone on the hook and hung my head. Releasing the tears I could no longer hold, I crawled into bed and cried myself to sleep.


Ms. Kelley sat across from me with her sympathetic almond eyes. Don't get me wrong I fully support going to therapy or counseling, and deconstructing the stigmas built around mental health.

But I didn't choose to be here. I was being forced.

"So, how's everything been going?" she asked.

I continued to look down picking at the fuzz on my sweater. Her look of pity was making me nauseous. "Fine." I replied tersely.

"You know Ali, I can't help you if you won't open up to me."

"And what exactly is it that you think I need your help with?" I huffed. "Did you forget you're forcing me to be here? I didn't ask for this."

Her thin lips formed into a small frown. "I just meant that if there's anything going on, we can talk about it."

"And I told you everything's fine." I promptly felt bad for my outburst. I knew she was only trying to do her job.

She was quiet of a moment, but then concise. "Have there been any other incidents with your peers?"

Only every day.

"Nope. All good here."

Jason and his group of lackeys had gotten creative with their torture techniques. They only bothered me whenever I was alone. The girls would do things like hide my clothes in the locker room, and the guys would make mooing sounds whenever I walked by. You know, childish shit.

I didn't dare mention it to Eddie. That would only end with him in handcuffs, and I didn't want Robin to worry herself even more than she already did.

"That's encouraging, right? Maybe they've moved on" she smiled.

Right, moved on.

I changed the subject before I lost it on the poor woman. "I picked my elective credits for the year. I'll be volunteering with the committee and tutoring a student in Mrs. O'Donnell's."

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