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Emus social study assignment!
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"Hello~!✩, my name is emu otori! I am from the hayasuzaki university. This is a assignment for social studies, we will be asking people on their valentines!"

The bright pink haired girl spoke to the camera, speaking in her normal cheery tone. Social studies was a required study for her, and she had gotten a assignment.

Campus decorated with sparkly decorations, hearts, balloons, you name it. More importantly, A LOT of decorations. There were even stands of valentines treats you can buy from.

She began walking through the halls, hm.. Who should she interview first. Thats right! That leader of a soccer team girl! Shes just right down.

"Hi hi! May i ask you something?"

"Hu what- oh, sure, whats up?"

"Ren senpai, do you have a valentines? If yes, who are they and when did they ask you?"

"Ah! I know this assignment, yes, i do have a valentines. Hazawa from the cooking club, i was the one who asked her actually."

"Wow! Thats great to hear ren senpai, thank you and goodbye!"

One down and more to go! Emu was already getting excited, so much joy and smiles!!

"A- emu?"

"Ena!! Can i interview you?"

"Sure, but make it quick, i need to finish this painting."

"Alright!! Do you have a valentines? If yes, who are they and who asked first?"

"Hmm, yep! Its mizuki, we both have been dating before anyways so we just knew we were gonna be each others valentines."

"Okay! Thanks ena!!"

Emu ran off happily, just two more people now! Her and nene have even planned something! A+ for sure, i mean, who wouldnt give emu a good score?

MEHEHEHEHE! And her third person, eiko from that dark club. What was it called again? Meh, doesnt matter.

"Eiko san! Can i interview/ ask you a question?"

"Eh, emu? Why not. What is it?"

"Do you have a valentines!? If yes, who are they??"
Emu jumped excitedly, eiko was a lonely student after all. Usually alone and never bothered.

"No.. I prefer it as no to. I dont see interest in dating, valentines is cool and nice and i enjoy it, but i dont like the thought of having THAT connection with someone. I suppose im aroace."

"Okay then! Thank you eiko san!"

"No problem."

AND THE LAST ONEEE!!! That blonde dude from her friend group!! Hmm, where would he be?

"And like i was saying, so then at the end of the year, we sho-"

The girl came full charging at the blonde, nene jumped back a bit from shock.

"Gah!? Emu!!!"
While the pink haired was talking, nene suddenly disappeared. Where have could she gone now? Tsukasa was gonna give his super genius speech!

"So the point is, do you have a valentines?? And if you do, who is it?"

"Uhh, i dont have one. I do have a crush on someone, but other than that, no, i dont have a valentines. Wish i did though."

"Well now you do!! Turn around."

Tsukasa covered his mouth with his hands when he saw who it was, rui!? What the hell was going on?

"Will you be my valentines, kasa kun?"

Nene came from behind rui, smiling. Emu held the camera, this was their plan all along. Rui was holding a bouquet of flowers, seemingly waiting a answer. Though sure itd be a positive one.

"Hm, sure, why not."
Hugging rui tight, well, that was a unexpected answer, but the goal was reached.

"Im kidding, of course ill be your valentines!!'

"That is all from me! From emu ootori, hayasuzaki university."

The end!

A/n : you might be asking where the
"Rewriting of the wxs story" chap is, well, i decided to delete it, BUT i am gonna complete it and post it, in thr mean while, im gonna put up sorta short ones.

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