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A monster hunter can't fall in love with a vampire!
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"Class! Welcome our new student. Rui. Rui, how about you tell everyone about yourself?" The teacher smiled, Rui was certainly lucky to get into a school like this. All the peopl- no, monsters in this class are just pawns to him.

"Hello! I'm Rui Kamishiro and i'm excited to be here. I like making things, and i'm uh.. Ahh.. Uh.. (Shoot.. Uhh, think quick.. Ah!) I'm a vampire."

"We have a vampire! You can sit there besides the vampires."

Rui awkwardly went to his spot and sat down, he felt someone tap his fingers and he looked over to see a boy, blonde hair with pink faded in, and also just seemed friendly. (Oh fucking shit, this is not the mission to fall in love Rui..)

"Hi! I'm Tsukasa! Tsukasa tenma! I'm of course the leader of the vampire club here! This is my assistant! Vampirin!"

"Hello! I'm Vampirin, welcome to the vampire club."

"Ah uh, hi."


"Hm? What's with all that noise? Meh, i mean.. I should probably see."

Rui peaked around the corner and his eyes locked with someone elses, his eyes widened and he turned back to the wall.


'Shit.. I forgot she would be here. Well. Long time no see, Mafuyu.'

As much as Rui hated monsters, he could never bring himself to kill them. And that's exactly why he's here. To make his first, nothing will get in his way. Nothing. Vampires would be pretty easy, just shoot them through a heart and boom.

Chugging down a glass full of blood, (hey! Don't judge him, he's pretending to be a vampire too you know, and for other reasons.) Rui wiped the extra off his mouth and set it down, almost like he was drunk.

"Woah woah! Leave some for me. I'm a vampire too!! And the demons, they need to drink the blood too."

"Sorry, forgot. Here, have a glass. But i'm still thirsty. Let's take turns."

Rui refilled the glass and took a shot, he passed it to Tsukasa and they took shots back and forth before Tsukasa got a bit too sleezy and looked way too full.

'Alright Rui! Nows your chance. Take him to bed and once he falls asleep, put the knife in his heart.'

"I'll carry you. Hmm, i didn't know that blood could sometimes make vampires sleepy. I never experienced it."

"Yeah yeah.. *yawn* thanks.."
Rui carried Tsukasa who was surprisingly not heavy, he was already making small snores on the way to the dorm. (Omg Rui calm down calm down..)

He sat the boy down on his bed and checked the doors, honestly, he didn't feel like killing. He was wayy to lazy after all those glasses of blood. He also just had a bad feeling even though he locked the door.

He patted Tsukasas head before- CRASH!

"Tsukasa, sorry to bother you at this time bu-"

"M-mafuyu, oh, i didn't expect to see you here. I'll just, get.. Going now."

A big slam, the door became into a full piece by Mafuyu's will and Rui sprinted out the door, while Mafuyus body was shaking from shock.

"Is.. Tsukasa okay? Phew, he is. I'll make sure to put a barrier on the door."

In Ruis dorm..

Rui checked his backpack to make sure EVERYTHING was there. Phew.. His books, the knife, a screwdriver, some salt, his cloak, and some more.

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