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A/n : okay okay, it started with a reddit writing prompt i saw, and i got inspiration from that.

Unappreciated, much.
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Having a relationship is not easy, especially if you're a villain. ESPECIALLY if the one you're dating, is a hero.

That's what life is NOT like for Rui. He had one power, but the rest of it was just his super genius mind that allowed to be able to make things with such ease.

"Heyy boss! What's up?"

"Oh, Cybernova. Im just looking at some pictures."

The thing is, Rui only had a crush. The hero Tsukasa tenma was bright, cheerful, and even from all his good deeds saving the city, he was a good person in general.

Not like his fucking scumbag team.

"Is it okay if my sister Cyberlove comes over? I mean.. She can also teach you things about love!"

"Hehe, maybe so."

"Thanks boss!"
Cybernova was clearly happy and she went to the elevator, Rui would admit it.. Cybernova was his favorite member. She had a tough personality but caring to those who she is close with, her being from outer space never bothered him. Her being able to switch her hands to translucent blades with incredible speed always fascinated him.

And so, he left the head quarters to get some morning coffee, his chance of being arrested? 50/50.

He walked into the shop looking a bit tired, he ordered the usual and went on his phone, liking Cybernovas and his teams pictures.

When he looked away.. He.. Saw him.


He was ordering his coffee as well, bright, cheerful, and always had this warm smile on his face that made everyone admire him.

Even the evilest villains.

Rui almost choked on air as he blushed and looked down, hiding his red face as he stopped to take quick glances.

"Kamishiro Rui, your coffee is ready."

"Oh yes, thank you."

He grabbed his coffee and smiled, he went out the door, phew. Luck on his side for today.

Everyone was scared of him that it got so boring, everyone always obeyed what he wanted, in fear his machines and team would slice them up.

He jumped off fastly and soon, he was in the heros headquarters. He was always sneaky, he wanted to identify his rivals habits so he can counter them in a fight.

There was loud screaming coming from outside of the room, he put his ear against the door and started to eavesdrop.

"Yep, they are fighting. Not sure what, but its about how mr perfect gets most of the attention on news head and the others don't."

"Cyberlove? You're here?"

"Yep! Cybernova gave me a signal from her spacewatch and told me to come here, so here i am!"

"Hah, how convenient it would be to have you on my team."

"I have teleportation psychic powers that make it easy for me to control where and where others are, i can digitally plant flowers that can explode and pour out a blinding smoke if i need to! And my charm, of course. They don't call me Cyberlove for nothing!"

Suddenly, they heard a door click and Cyberlove instantly teleported them back to the head quarters, phew.. Close one.

"Im banned from the orphanage.. They think that the children will turn into me?"

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