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Storytime with Tsukasa.
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Since Rui was out of the city for something, it was just him and his daughter.

"Ugh!! This is soooo boring.. Dad, do you have anything??"

"Hmm.. How about, a story!!"

"A story!? Yes please!!!!!"

Tsukasa sat Hajiro down on the couch and the fire place crackled, he set down the hot coco and began telling the story.

"So.. When me and your dad were still doing shows at phoenix wonderland, one day, it was near halloween time. We were doing testing and of course, your dad made some things for our show."

"Oooo!! Daddy is so good at making robots!! They can go PEW PEW and BOOM BOOM, or just cool!!"

"Your dad made zombie robots, they were really cool actually. If something didn't happen, i know we'd all enjoy it to the fullest."

"Huh!?? What happened? Did they get ruined!??!?!"

"Well.. When we were doing some testing, i got injured. Enough injured to make all my friends worried, especially your dad. He just kinda.. Didn't show it later on. Your dad apologized like a.. Bajilion times!! I told him it was okay when i recovered."

"Oh noooooo! Dad got injured.. Daddy definitely felt really bad!!"

"Your dad felt so guilty, he started to hold back! He was making changes, and other things and just called it off as 'improvement changes' just because i got injured, he subconsciously started avoiding things and holding back!"

"What's uhm.. Subboo.. Constescias ly?"

"... You'll learn when you're older kid. I confronted your dad and he dare get mad at me!! He was like 'no noo no no not this it's just blablabla' and it was really frustrating because i was just looking out for him!"

"But you and daddy never fight now, hmm.. It must be uhm.. What's that word? Chaaaa-dearactor.. Develovefentmeant?"

"Haha no, we just learned how to talk and express it the best way we can, even if we both can't do it perfectly."

The bell rang.

"Oh! That must be your dad, cmon, he's back!"
Tsukasa opened the door and hugged Rui, "Ruri! How was it?"

"Good, but i missed you. Like.. Really missed you. But it was fun for the most part, could've been more fun if you were there.."

"Daddy!! Yay!!" Hajiro hugged Rui's leg because she's short at 50.8 cm and Rui is 192. Boom i dropped their heights.

"Sweetheart! Hope it wasn't too boring, but.. I got a few goods for you! Mafuyu gave you this." (Woah Mafuyu is still alive??)

Rui revealed a present and gave it, what was inside? Well, you have 3 options to guess!!!

A. A cool plushie
B. Mr fluffy
C. puzzle pieces of dinosaurs

Answer is...

C!!! Mr Fluffy was given by Mizuki at Hajiro's 4th birthday. She has tons of plushies already.

"Mafuyu knew you love dinosaurs, so, she got you this puzzle piece!"

"WOAH!! DINOSAURS!!! Hmm.. Has dad ever acted for a dinosaur play??"

Rui shrugged and then answered, "yeah, he was pretty cool on stage like always. Now cmon young lady! You need to get to bed or else you'll be cranky in the morning. I'll make you some milk."

Rui carried his daughter up and they went to the kitchen, Rui also drank the hot coco since he was thirsty anyways. Stirring the milk powder, Rui set the glass of milk down and ruffled his daughter's hair.


Rui tucked his daughter in bed and kissed her forehead, turning off the lights and returning to his own room. (After showering ofc) Tsukasa was in bed first and he slipped in.

Walking over to the vanity, Rui did his usual skincare routine with like.. 100 steps and got into bed, "remind me when 20 minutes are up."

"Yeah yeah nerd, i love you."

"Hehe, love you too."

When 20 mins were up, Rui took off his facemask and joined Tsukasa back in bed, he turned off the lights and they probably snuggled for some time before Tsukasa fell asleep. Then, Rui got out of bed, replaced himself with a pillow, went to his desk, turned on the lamp, and began working. Hah, you thought he sleeps?

"Hmm hmm.. This should be like this, but if i put the mechanics like that then this function won't work. Hmm.. I have to sacrifice one thing."

The end

I feel like Rui is the kind of parent that would prepare your birthday present 1 day before it happened and it was like a full on castle with a lot of surprises

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