Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

    Early in the morning, my father and sisters knocked on the door on time.

    The originally cold room was suddenly filled with the atmosphere of human fireworks. The eldest sister Sheng Ruojuan was busy stuffing a large bag of melons, fruits, plums and peaches into the refrigerator. Ruojiang has always been direct, and directly threw Sheng Kui a shopping card from her supermarket Sheng Xiansheng. The fourth sister, Sheng Ruohu, brought a box of nuts and snacks, and said that Sheng Kui would nourish her brain.

    "..." Sheng Kui: Okay. She is a poor fellow who was sent to the countryside to send warmth.

    Sheng Peiran had an old father's kindness on his face, took Sheng Kui's hand, looked left and right, and nodded, "I just said that my little five looks good..."

    Sheng Kui touched the tug on the top of her head, embarrassed. Said, "Dad, wait a moment. I'll go to the kitchen to pick up hands."

    Sheng Peiran nodded happily and sent Sheng Kui with a loving look.

    Sheng Kui got into the kitchen, let out a sigh of relief, and swiftly boiled water and boiled the hands and feet. Fresh prawns are stuffed with meat, thin and lovely, dancing in hot water one by one. Don’t dare to put too much at once, it’s best to eat one bowl and cook one bowl. The old chicken soup is used as a base, and the sunflower is placed in the pre-cut onion and ginger, supplemented with a spoonful of red oil chili sauce, and finally sprinkled with coriander for finishing touch.

    Once the bowl was made, Sheng Kui breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly caught a glimpse of one, two, three, four, five... five heads crowded at the door of the kitchen.

    It seems that the fourth sister was whispering to the third sister: "Am I dreaming?"

    Sheng Kui smiled and raised his hand, turning to the five curious babies, "Please eat the first bowl."

    Sheng Peiran found that since yesterday, he The lacrimal gland suddenly becomes very low. Sheng Kui smiled obediently at him, which made him a little dazed. How long has it been since this kid smiled at him like that?

    With a sore nose, Sheng Ruojuan helped him back to the restaurant and sat down.

    Sheng Kui respectfully served the hand, and put the spoon carefully.

    Sheng Peiran sighed heavily, "Xiao Wu has grown up." After speaking, he ate a red oil-wrapped hand with a spoon.

    Sheng Kui looked forward to waiting for praise.

    Sheng Peiran opened his eyes wide and squinted, as if he was eating a dragon meat from the sky instead of an ordinary chasing hand. He raised his thumb with enjoyment and praised: "Delicious! Delicious!"

    Sheng Kui There was light in her beautiful eyes, and she hurried to the kitchen to scribble hands for the four sisters.

    As soon as she entered the kitchen, Sheng Peiran suppressed her cough and shouted, "Big sister, water! Give me water!"

    Big sister Sheng Ruojuan saw that her father's eyes were not only red, but his face was flushed.

    After drinking a few sips of water, Sheng Peiran came over and forced out a word from between his teeth, "Spicy!"

    Second sister Sheng Ruoxi laughed, "If you are not used to spicy food, let Xiaowu make clear soup for you."

    Sheng Peiran waved He waved his hand, "It's okay. It's's delicious." The

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