Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

    An family mansion.

    Hao Jiatong held a pair of long scissors and was carefully trimming the hedge.

    It was supposed to be a gardener's job, but she got it right and cut it very well.

    An Jincheng's father passed away early, and Hao Jiatong turned the tide in an eventful autumn, helping her husband's family to support the situation and stabilize the transition. Later, when An Jincheng became an adult, she transferred control to his name. It's just that both mother and son have tough personalities. Over the years, there has been friction and estrangement, and An Jincheng rarely returns to the mansion.

    He stood by and looked at his mother calmly. She didn't say anything, and he didn't mention it.

    After a while, Hao Jiatong looked at the square green hedge with satisfaction and nodded with a smile.

    She glanced at An Jincheng, "No wonder you came to the charity dinner of the Beauty Club before, you have never been interested in this kind of thing. It turns out that the drunkard's intention is not to drink."

    An Jincheng looked calm and did not answer her. .

    "You asked me to call Mrs. Sheng, and I called too. You stood here guarding me for a long time, what are you going to do?" Hao Jiatong looked left and right at the hedge, and saw that it was not neat, she picked up the scissors and clicked continue to trim.

    An Jincheng, "It's not what I think. Mother, you never do business at a loss. Your conditions haven't been mentioned yet."

    Hao Jiatong felt a little nervous. Her son is smart and she is proud. But her son was too smart to see her clearly, which made her very uncomfortable. In their circle, fathers and sons turned against each other, and there were not a few mothers and sons feuding against each other, and no one could wipe out the current interests.

    Now my son is willing to beg her for a fifth of the Sheng family. Suddenly she could understand what others said about marrying a daughter-in-law and forgetting her mother.

    She hadn't seen her son cooperate like this for many years, and she even had a secret jealousy towards the Sheng family's little five.

    She stabilized her mind, "You know what I want"

    An Jincheng lowered his eyes, "An's Pharmaceutical"

    The complicated emotions that Hao Jiatong had just produced disappeared immediately with these four words.

    She smiled slowly, "Oh, you are so willing."

    Anshi Pharmaceutical is one of the subsidiaries of Anshi Group, but it is one of the most profitable subsidiaries. When Hao Jiatong was the chairman of the board, Anshi Pharmaceutical was the business segment she personally led, so she naturally knew how considerable the company's daily cash flow was. In particular, a drug called Anxin Pill is one of the most effective drugs on the market for treating coronary heart disease. This medicine alone has an annual revenue of 2 billion.

    An Jincheng shrugged, "If my mother wants it, I naturally have to be filial. However, I have a condition." Hao     Jiatong asked     calmly

    , "What condition? " "Since you gave it to me, why don't you care what I do?"     An Jincheng said solemnly, "You know better than me what uncle is capable of. When Anshi Pharmaceutical is in his hands, he will die within two years. Do you want me to retell everything that happened?"     Since An Jincheng's father died, the An family has been very harsh on Hao Jiatong. She got closer to her parents' family, and trusted her siblings more, such as Wu Feiyu's mother Hao Wantong, and her younger brother Hao Yicheng. She arranged the Hao family in every corner of the Anshi Group.     Before An Jincheng took over the power, his uncle Hao Yicheng tossed down several An's subsidiaries. Hao Jiatong's reputation in the family is getting worse and worse, saying that she privately transfers assets to her parents' family, uses money from the family to subsidize her brothers and sisters, and there are even rumors that she takes care of Xiaobailian.     Later, her family forced her to give way to An Jincheng, who had just grown up.     Hao Jiatong originally thought that the son she gave birth to was of course her own, but An Jincheng turned around and took her place. Of course, she thought it was a robbery, and the An family members thought it was a matter of course.

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