Chapter 80

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Chapter 80

    Ji Yujun glared at them, "Don't say that the wind is the rain. Marriage is such a big thing, it involves all aspects, so it can't be settled. There are too many things to be arranged in the middle."

    Sheng Peiran laughed, "Jun Yu , Don't say it, I'll see Xiao Wu's proposal. The joy is added to the joy, and the five joys come to the door. If we can marry five daughters at the same time, if we look at it, no one can compare to my family's joy."

    Big sister Looking at the eldest brother-in-law, the second sister looking at the second brother-in-law, the third sister looking at the third brother-in-law, the fourth sister looking at the fourth brother-in-law, and Sheng Kui looking at An Jincheng, everyone couldn't help but get excited.

    The eldest sister smiled and said: "If I get married alone, I can't help crying when I think I'm about to get married, and my four younger sisters will also cry with me. If we can get married together, then at least... I will cry less. Second time." The

    third sister laughed, "Eldest sister, I will give you full marks for this reason. Moreover, if the five of us get married together and the crowd is full, maybe we can break some Guinness World Records. It is too memorable. Yes ." The

    fourth sister also nodded, "I think that the five sisters can wear wedding dresses together, get married together, and then have children together... Wow!"

    She said more and more excitedly, and said excitedly: "Excluding twins, it is five children. The five children go to kindergarten together, primary school, middle school, and university together, wow, I think it is very possible to get married together."

    Sheng Kui was about to laugh at the fourth sister's fantasy, "Then they have children together, rule out If there are twins, the five children will go to kindergarten, middle school, and university together, and the children and grandchildren will be endless!


    The second sister was a little confused: "Am I going to have a second child?"

    Shi Ximing took her hand and said softly, "This matter is random. What do you think, Xiaobao?"

    Xiaobao looked at his mother obediently, "I want a sister, but this matter, um, depends on fate."

    Everyone laughed.

    Ji Yujun looked at Liang Meijuan and smiled and said, "Mrs. Huo, I didn't think about getting married together. Everything else is easy to say, marriage is not only our Sheng family marrying a daughter, but also your Huo family marrying a new daughter-in-law. So we I have to ask your opinion."

    Liang Meijuan raised her hands, "I actually thought about this for a long time. Because I don't know your opinion and Mr. Sheng's opinion, I dare not mention it rashly. Our Huo family agrees with this proposal with both hands. Xiongting , you should have the same opinion."

    Huo Xiongting had listened to his wife's words for decades, and both his wife and son agreed with this kind of thing, and neither of them objected, so he naturally nodded and said yes.

    Everyone else laughed.

    Huo Ji'an secretly took Sheng Ruojiang's hand and squeezed it in her palm.

    Fan Ye raised his hand at this time and said, "My parents have long said that I have the final say on the matter of marriage. Just inform them of the time and place, and they will come to participate. So, there is no problem with our family." The

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