Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

    That night, someone saw An Jincheng jumping off the boat with Sheng Kui in his arms, and then went directly to the hospital.

    Sankos nights have never been more restless than tonight. People with sharp eyes saw the red mark on Sheng Kui's downed arm, as if someone was holding her hand with something, which looked very terrifying. Immediately, a message was posted on the gossip official account: Miss Sheng Wu was bound and thrown into the boat, and was rescued by An Jincheng and sent to the hospital. Her life and death are unknown. Others saw Sheng Kui's drooping hair looking wet, and immediately judged that after Miss Sheng Wu was thrown into the boat, the hull was damaged and flooded. She was submerged by the lake and was rescued by An Jincheng and sent to the hospital. ...

    Ji Yujun looked at the phone with a worried expression, "Xiao Wu is really all right? Then what kind of nonsense are these people pushing!" The

    eldest sister smiled and said, "It used to be something, but now it's really okay. Xiao Wu was frightened and went away. The body is fine after the hospital inspection. Those people see that wind is rain and talk nonsense. Mom, don't worry about it. Rest early and see Xiaowu tomorrow." The

    second sister also laughed, "Yeah, I didn't want to disturb you. Rest with Dad, we have four sisters and brother-in-law for everything. Who knew that Xiaobao rushed in like this to wake you up."

    Xiaobao pouted aggrievedly, and Sheng Peiran quickly coaxed: "If we hadn't seen Xiaobao in time Xiao Wu is in trouble, and it's hard to say what happened in the end." The

    second sister called Xiaobao, "It's too late, I'll take Xiaobao back to bed. Parents, you go to bed earlier too. Don't think too much at night, Take a good rest." The

    third sister said, "Just now An Jincheng told us who was behind this incident, and he will find out and give Xiaowu and us an explanation." The

    fourth sister laughed, "Someone is going to fall. It's bad!"

    Ji Yujun's face became cold, "No matter who is found out in the end, who dares to touch my little five, don't think about the beginning and the end." The

    Sheng family never takes the initiative to attack others, if they are treated like this, they will definitely not Let go easily.

    The four daughters comforted them again, and Qi Qi walked out of the bedroom and went back with their husbands-to-be.

    Fan Ye scratched his head, "We really don't need to go to the hospital? The article on the official account writes Xiao Wu like that, in case..." The

    fourth sister laughed, "Eldest brother-in-law, with An Jincheng here, Xiao Wu will not An accident. Besides, if there is something wrong with Xiao Wu, can they still be on the boat? You have seen it all!"

    Fan Ye immediately covered his face, "Fourth sister, I didn't see anything. I haven't forgotten... The

    eldest sister glared at the fourth sister, who was never afraid of trouble. "Okay. We didn't see anything, only the boat was rocking. Everyone went back to sleep. It's gone." The

    eldest sister gave an order, and everyone joined together. Back to the lakeside villa to rest.

    In the ward, Sheng Kui, who was rumored to be alive and dead, stared at the doctors and nurses who came in and out, and was speechless.

    "An Jincheng, I don't have any problems. Okay, why did you put me in the hospital?"

    An Jincheng looked back at her, "Just now you caught a cold on the boat and sneezed three times in a row, it's not that you were sick. Now, what is it?"

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