Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

    No one said anything, Fan Ye looked curious, "It's such a coincidence. Director Huo, did you fall in love with her at first sight when you were filming Ruojiang's commercial?"

    Fourth sister: "??!!" It's big.

    Huo Ji'an: "..." Where did you come from?

    The two laughed at each other, showing an expression you know.

    Fan Ye sighed and said excitedly: "When I first saw my sister, she was like a fairy descending to the world. Of course, other fairies may be the kind with fairy music fluttering and ribbons flying. Sister, she descended to the world. At that time, accompanied by the bar's blazing music, a left hook, a right kick, and a few swipes saved me from the bad guys..."

    Having said this, he glanced at the elder sister rather embarrassedly, "I I fell in love with my sister at first sight. I haven't told her about this yet. So, Director Huo, I understand you!" The

    atmosphere froze again.

    Sister: Why did the little goose throw meteorites in my heart?

    Huo Ji'an: Do you understand me? ? ? You may not really understand!

    Ji Yujun: No wonder Fan Ye was able to win over the big sister with a high vision. Who can stand such a simple and naive way of confession.

    Sheng Peiran: Is Fan Ye really a science man?

    Second Sister: It's so cold. Goosebumps are up!

    Shi Ximing: Young boys are incredible now!

    An Jincheng: The eldest brother-in-law is indeed the eldest brother-in-law. This kind of love can be said in front of so many people without changing his face, and the effect is really amazing. The strong eldest sister blushed.

    Sheng Kui: Oh my god! It is too sweet!

    Xiaobao frowned: "Uncle, what does it mean to fall in love at first sight?"

    Fan Ye blushed and said, "At a thousand years, it must be her, and I only drink a ladle of water for three thousand weak water..."

    Little boy with limited vocabulary Bao frowned again, "What is a thousand years, it must be her, Ruoshui..."

    The third sister was embarrassed, and Xiaobao did it on purpose. She immediately picked up Xiaobao and interrupted him, "Aiya, Xiaobao, do you have to go to school tomorrow, do you like going to school?"

    Xiaobao: "Aunt San, you don't think Auntie is shy, what are you doing? Why are you shy?" The

    third sister really convinced the villain, and laughed dryly, "Aunt San is not!"

    Everyone else laughed.

    Sheng Kui tilted her head and suddenly said: "Third sister, why do I remember that you told me that your company's commercial was only a week ago?"

    Big sister: "Wow! It really was love at first sight, a flash of love. It is estimated that it will be soon We're going to get married."

    Second sister: "Why hasn't the fourth sister come yet, and missed such a good story?"

    Huo Ji'an covered his chest and played a big game!

    The third sister pretended to be calm and said, "Mom, you didn't keep saying that, if you see the right eye, you must act in time!"

(MTL)After wearing the book, I have four bully sistersWhere stories live. Discover now