Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

    According to the latest St. Kos gossip tabloid report: Sheng Ruojiang * Huo Ji'an, the first couple born at the San Kos resort this year, was caught last night in a grove to do something that could only be thought unspoken. For a time, the wind of chatting and discussion blew from the cruise ship on Lake Sancos to the golf course, and then continued to blow with a smile to the intestine mountain trail in the mountains.

    #Oh my god, this little couple is really impatient.

    #It means that the Sheng family has strict family education, forcing the children to hide and make out.

    #Before I thought that the engagement of Shengjia Xiaowu and An Jincheng was a highlight moment for the Sheng family woman, but I didn't expect this highlight moment to extend to the third child of the Sheng family.

    #I have long said that Ji Yujun is good at teaching daughters. Look at these five daughters, each of which has a successful career and is spoiled by such a good husband. #Shengjiaxiaowu has no professionalism, she is much weaker than her sisters.

    #If I have four sisters above me and can marry a man like An Jincheng, what career will I need? ! Besides, the Sheng family's Xiaowu tried variety shows and acting casually before, and the response was very good.

    #10,000 Blood Book kneels and begs the Sheng family to raise a daughter**. Please ask Mrs. Sheng to write a book and make a biography. I have thought of the topics for her: "I am the mother of five elite daughters", "I asked the sons-in-law of five bosses to kneel and call my mother".

    When Ji Yujun heard this gossip discussion, the whole person was refreshed and beamed.

    She turned around and said to Sheng Peiran who was swinging: "Dear, do you think it's too late for me to pick up my dream of being a writer?"

    Sheng Peiran stopped and said with a smile, "You're really going to publish a book, and use your method of raising children. How to teach everyone?"

    Ji Yujun glared at her, "What? Is there a problem?"

    Sheng Peiran laughed, "Of course there is no problem. When you are complimenting yourself, can you also compliment me by the way? I am here. Our five daughters also played a major role in the growth of our five daughters."

    Ji Yujun: "What major role have you played? With the mud? Be a good person? A rule breaker?"

    Speaking of this kind of Ji Yujun, his voice inevitably rose, "When I was young, I was angry and refused to brush my teeth. Every time I beat her to ask her to brush her teeth, you would shed tears in distress. The brushing posture is not serious, and the brushing time is not enough. , you often secretly stuffed her with candy, which caused her to develop cavities and cry in the middle of the night. Later, if I hadn’t forced her to see a dentist and insisted on correcting her brushing methods, she would not have good teeth now.”

    Sheng Peiran was embarrassed, Accompanying smiled and said: "My good wife, why do you bring up such a thing again during a good vacation. For the sake of Xiao Wu's teeth, I have apologized to you no less than a hundred times..."

    Ji Yujun snorted, " One thousand times ten thousand times are not enough."

    Sheng Peiran muttered: "Someone saw Jin Cheng chasing Xiao Wu from behind the buttocks the day before yesterday, Xiao Wu has your true heritage."

    Ji Yujun: "Sheng Peiran, do you want to shrink back? Become a ball and let me kick you out."

    Sheng Peiran hesitated and took Ji Yujun's hand, "My wife, don't be angry, I just said it casually. It's not that I don't want it, it's mainly because I'm getting older. I found that the bones are hard, and I can't shrink even if I want to."

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