Chapter 85

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Chapter 85

    three months later.

    After the wedding, everyone in the Sheng family continued to struggle with their careers and enjoy the sweet life of a small family.

    Sheng Kui and the second sister Sheng Ruoxi have the best relationship, and An Jincheng and Shi Ximing are friends who grew up together, so the two of them live in the same community.

    Fan Ye and the old man Sheng Peiran work at the same place. He simply bought a suite in the community where the mansion is located. He can also take his father-in-law into the car every day, and occasionally return to his mother-in-law's house for dinner.

    The third sister Sheng Ruojiang and Huo Ji'an lived in Sheng Ruohu's original house, which was the closest to her company, so it was convenient to go to work. Besides, Huo Ji'an was a freelancer, and his working hours were not fixed. Of course, the third sister should be the main one. Fortunately, this house is only half an hour's drive away from the mansion, so it is convenient to come and go.

    The fourth sister Sheng Ruohu and Wen Shuoran bought another property, which is near the law firm.

    Sheng Kui and An Jincheng connected their rooms directly, and the husband and wife occupied the space on the top floor, which was spacious and private, and lived comfortably.

    On this day, Ji Yujun called for his five daughters and son-in-law to go home for dinner.

    Aunt Quan is getting old. After the wedding, Ji Yujun invited two younger aunts to help at home. Aunt Quan officially retired.

    Today's family dinner is made by these two new aunts.

    Ji Yujun, Sheng Peiran and Aunt Quan were sitting in the living room waiting and chatting.

    Ji Yujun sighed, "The five of you are married at the same time. It's been three months since the marriage, and no one's stomach has moved."

    Aunt Quan laughed, "The five young ladies haven't lived enough in the two-person world."

    Sheng Peiran He picked up the tea cup and took a sip, "The emperor is not in a hurry for eunuchs. When they come, don't rush them in front of you."

    Ji Yujun pretended to be angry, "Who do you say is the eunuch?"

    When Sheng Peiran heard it, he knew that he had said something wrong, so he quickly stretched out his hand and pretended to fight, "I'm a eunuch. I'm anxious. I wish they were all pregnant now. When Xiaobao's grandfather alone is not enough, I still want to give out red envelopes during the New Year. I can send a bunch of them."

    Ji Yujun laughed, "I only now know where Xiao Wu's dog-leg skills came from."

    Sheng Peiran: "...Yes, you are right."

    After speaking, three Everyone laughed.

    "Dad, Mom, what are you talking about so happy?" Sheng Ruoxi walked in while laughing, Xiaobao jumped from Shi Ximing's arms and threw himself directly into Ji Yujun's arms.

    Sheng Peiran waited pitifully for Xiaobao to hug him for the second time.

    Aunt Quan smiled and said, "Second sister, I haven't seen you for half a month, and you look much better."

    Shi Ximing said, "Aunt Quan, I've been cooking soup at my house for the past two weeks, and even fed Ruoxi to drink, she Can you look good?"

    Sheng Ruoxi glared at him, "Don't talk nonsense. How can you feed me?"

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