Chapter 77

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Chapter 77

    Walking down from the mountainside villa, Sheng Ruojiang and Huo Ji'an were one after the other, the shadows elongated, staggered for a while, and then stuck together again. After a while, Huo Ji'an took two steps forward, side by side with Sheng Ruojiang.

    The kiss just now, until the two of them breathed stagnant...

    Sheng Ruojiang never felt that a heart could jump up and down to such a point, bang bang bang kept beating on his eardrum.

    She slowed down, remembered something, and paused, Huo Ji'an also stopped and looked at her.

    She opened her mouth, then lowered her head and walked forward numbly.

    Huo Ji'an laughed, and followed closely, as if fishing for a moon in a sea, grabbed Sheng Ruojiang's left hand, held it tightly in the palm of his hand, and never let go...

    Sheng Ruojiang's left shoulder stiffened.

    Huo Ji'an saw her follow him obediently, the corners of his lips curled into an arc, and a secret smile flashed at the corners of his eyes.

    Sheng Ruojiang turned his face away, looked weakly to the other side, and snorted to himself: If there were no people on the road in the middle of the night now, I wouldn't hold hands with you!

    Just thinking about it, I heard a few giggles mixed with the sound of hurried steps not far away.

    The two were stunned for a moment, stopped at the same time, and then saw that one person on the opposite side was rushing from the dark place with the other person on his back, the street lamp light fell, and the eyes were facing each other, and the other person was stunned.

    An Jincheng was sweating on his forehead, Sheng Kui was lying on his back, hugging his neck, and the happy smile on his face had not disappeared...

    Sheng Kui caught a glimpse of the third sister and the third brother-in-law, who were not sleeping at night, holding hands Pressing the road, and during the day, the third sister still shouts with a sad face, why is she going to get married?

    So... is the third sister a split personality? Sad during the day, sweet at night?

    Sheng Ruojiang looked at Dangtang An with his wife obediently carrying his wife, willing to be a horse, and a barrage popped up in his heart: I'm a big grass! My little five is too mighty!

    Huo Ji'an clicked his tongue twice: As the son-in-law of the Sheng family, he has to be so patient! Sure enough, it is Mr. An, who can bend and stretch, admire and admire!

    An Jincheng was the first to react, and calmly turned around and said to Sheng Kui, "Xiao Kui, are you riding enough?"

    Sheng Kui snorted, slipped off An Jincheng, and smiled at the third sister and the third brother-in-law: " Third sister, brother-in-law, let's watch the stars together at night?"

    Sheng Ruojiang subconsciously wanted to let go, but Huo Ji'an held her firmly and refused to lose it.

    "Xiao Wu, Jin Cheng, you guys are also very interested. Squeeze the road!" Huo Ji'an laughed.

    The two couples were really embarrassed, they exchanged greetings, smiled and said goodbye beautifully.

    The two sides just walked calmly for about ten meters, when An Jincheng turned back and looked at Sheng Kui resentfully, "Xiao Kui, my reputation is not guaranteed, how will you compensate me for this?"

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