Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

    Sheng Kui jumped off Xia Yin's big cut and walked quickly into the Sheng family mansion.

    The Sheng family in the original book is just a small supporting role in the main plot. There are only a few words in the description of the Sheng family, only that the Sheng family has been a family for generations, but the male heir is not prosperous.

    Sheng Peiran is one of the more outstanding academically among the Sheng Jiapei generation. Sheng Peiran's elder brother, Sheng Peihua, is in charge of the family business and is Mr. An of Haojun Industry. Sheng Peihua's wife has been without money for many years, and Sheng Peiran has five daughters born to him by Ji Yujun. Originally, all hopes were placed on Xiao Wu Shengkui, who knew that she was still a girl when she was born. Therefore, under the auspices of the elders of the Sheng family, a boy from a partial branch of the Sheng family adopted Sheng Peihua as his son. The brothers of the Sheng family have long since separated, and each has a large mansion.

    Sheng Kui didn't have time to admire the quiet courtyard of the mansion, and walked straight inwards on Tingbu.

    Along the way, the servants were dumbfounded when they saw her, and then smiled: The young lady of the Sheng family has a new look, and she looks much more pleasing to the eye.

    Just as he was about to walk into the living room, Sheng Kui heard someone talking inside.

    The sound is not too small, not too small, just in the ear.

    "Mother-in-law. I absolutely can't agree to this matter. Even if you come up with a family law, I can't."

    Sheng Kui paused and stepped aside. This is the voice of mother Ji Yujun.

    "Xiao Wu has rehabilitated, and now you insist on driving her abroad, isn't it... right and wrong!"

    Sheng Kui: "??!!"

    In the inner room. Rong Lan, the grandmother of the Sheng family, sat upright on the carved chair, and her expression changed immediately upon hearing this.

    The daughter-in-law, Ji Yujun, was the first to contradict herself in so many years, and her words were extremely disrespectful.

    Ronglan snorted coldly, "You are getting more and more decent!"

    Ji Yujun stared straight at her mother-in-law Ronglan with a stiff neck, "Xiaowu is my own. She is despised by anyone, and I can't be a mother. She knows that when she repents, she will leave her alone!"

    Sheng Kui bit her lip, her heart agitated. Abandoning these two words is the magic in her heart. Before wearing the book, she was abandoned by her biological parents and did not enjoy a day of parental love and motherly love, so is God rewarding her for such a good mother?

    Rong Lan picked up the tea cup and took a sip. "There is a peach tree in the yard of our Sheng family's old house. Did you know?

    " Father-in-law liked to sit under the peach tree to enjoy the coolness.

    Regardless of whether Ji Yujun responded or not, Ronglan continued: "This peach tree is luxuriant and bears fruit every year. However, after you married into the Sheng family and gave birth to four daughters in a row, someone told Peiran's father that this A peach tree has become a fine, bad thing."

    Rong Lan maintained a dignified attitude, but she longed to curse in her heart.

    Sheng Kui opened her eyes wide and looked shocked: I'm afraid this grandma is about to become a sperm.

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